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Full Details

PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database. PEDro is a free database of over 37,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.

A database of systematic reviews and clinical evidence relevant to physiotherapy. Abstracts and some links to full-text versions of the document are available. 

Date Range

1929 onwards. 


Citations of over 13,500 randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. 


Simple and Advanced search screens.

Search by therapy, problem, body part, sub-discipline and method.

Most trials on the database have been rated for quality to help you quickly discriminate between trials which are likely to be valid and interpretable and those which are not.  

Search Tips

Uses Boolean AND, OR, NOT
* truncation at the start of a word
@ single character truncation
= exact match

Other information

Based at the School of Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney, Australia.

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