The University subscribes to a large number of eresources of differing types and covering a range of topics. Some are collections (databases) of journal articles, ebooks or videos, either multi-disciplinary or subject specific. Others are more specialised - maps, anatomy models or legal information, for example.
This A to Z list provides a brief overview of each resource and links to more comprehensive information including access details.
You can see a more visual representation of our eresources on this padlet. For suggestions of the most relevant resources for your course, please visit your Library Subject Page.
An extensive collection of journal articles, reports, case studies and more on all aspects of business and management.
Multi-disciplinary collection of full-text journal articles and conference proceedings from multiple publishers.
Multi-disciplinary collection of academic focused videos
News, reviews and professional information for artists.
3D Interactive anatomy resource. Move through the layers and rotate the body.
Gateway to physical and digital archives in UK Universities and Colleges.
Streaming service of films, documentaries and interviews from creative arts fields.
Directory of current practising artists in the UK.
Contemporary and classic natural history films from the BBC.
TV and radio productions of Shakespeare's plays from the BBC’s archives.
Newsreels, interviews and media clips from the BFI’s archives.
Digitised primary sources on natural history and conservation.
Open access, peer-reviewed biosciences research from developing countries.
Collection of 300 peer-reviewed open access journals, part of Springer Nature.
Independently published journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.
Reference database for life science research, part of Web of Science.
Audio archive of music, poetry performances, interviews, oral histories and more.
Digital archive of the development of the British periodical press from 17th Century to 1930.
British National Formulary (BNF and BNF Children) Online
Online reference books that contains a wide spectrum of information and advice on prescribing and pharmacology.
British Standards Online (BSOL)
British Standards are documents defining best practice, rules, guidance and definitions. Our collection is mostly for the area of quality management.
An extensive collection of journal articles, reports, case studies and more on all aspects of business and management.
Multi-disciplinary collection of journals and articles from Cambridge University Press.
Open network providing systematic reviews of research in many areas of social science.
Chambers Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Biographical Dictionary
Comprehensive dictionary, thesaurus and biographical information available online.
Child Development & Adolescent Studies
Bibliographic database related to growth and development of children through to the age of 21.
The essential journal article collection for Nursing and Allied Health. Some full-text, otherwise linked to OneSearch.
Our online guide to the referencing basics and formats used at University of Cumbria.
Systematic reviews of whether a health “intervention” works.
A resource providing research reports, best practice and legal information aimed at social work professionals working to support children and adults.
Subset of Proquest Central, covering a wide range of health, from nutrition to eyecare.
Search for articles available as open access from academic institutions around the world.
Comprehensive collection of criminal justice articles and bibliographic records.
A register of controlled trials in health and medicine.
Collection of dance productions, documentaries and practitioner interviews from around the world.
Online mapping system allowing access to and customisation of OS Maps and other maps including marine, aerial, historical environment, geology, society and more.
Video collection of major stage productions and companion materials on all aspects of performance.
Directory of Open Access Journals
A searchable directory of open access, peer reviewed journals.
Collection of books printed in Europe before 1701 on history, religion, philosophy, medicine, science and travel.
Multi-disciplinary collection of ebooks.
Multi-disciplinary collection of ebooks.
Full-text educational journals covering all levels of education.
Historical collection of journal articles up to 2011 with many journal titles also in Abi-Inform since 2011.
Encyclopaedia Of Forensic Sciences
Reference for core theories, methods, techniques and applications in forensics.
A range of ebooks on these topics from Routledge.
Collection of over 800 journals on agriculture, ecology, energy, pollution, policy and planning.
Short educational reports with a US focus.
A video-rich cross-curricular service suitable for foundation to year six school pupils.
Ethical rating system of companies, brands and products including ethical shopping guides for animal testing, climate change etc.
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
First World War Poetry Digital Archive
Primary material from poets of World War I including text, images and audio.
Full text ebooks covering the subject areas of forensics, criminal justice & law and law enforcement.
Resources and literature for geographers and for those teaching geography.
Google search engine designed specifically for locating scholarly literature for all disciplines.
Database of references to journal articles on environmental issues with links to check if the full text is in OneSearch.
Search for books on sustainability, social responsibility, corporate governance, development economics and the environment in the Taylor & Francis ebook collection.
Guardian and Observer Newspaper Archive
Online access to The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003) newspapers. Easily searchable first coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Healthcare Administration Database
Subset of Proquest Central, focusing on health administration.
Hospitality and Tourism Complete
Journals and other sources about all areas of hospitality and tourism, including hospitality law, market trends, food and beverage management and hotel management.
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
Access to 18th & 20th Century papers about current legislation, policy making and the political environment.
The University of Cumbria Research Repository.
Diagrams and video presentations from anatomy and physiology lecturers.
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance
Ebooks and peer-reviewed journals on theatre, performance and stage management.
International Children's Digital Library
A digital library of outstanding children's books from around the world.
Imaging Referral Guidelines for clinicians.
A cross-curricular resource aimed at KS3 and KS4 teachers and their students. Also useful for Level 3 students at University.
Now part of UK Data Services. UK's largest collection of economic, social and population data for research and teaching.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
Peer-reviewed scientific research and tutorials in video format.
Journal collection encompassing fields of science, technology and medicine.
Table of contents from 32,000 journals plus an alerting service for new content.
Archive of scholarly material with particular strengths in arts, humanities and social sciences.
Olympic history, sport and sport education.
Archive footage, sound and related media from the British Universities Film & Video Council.
Access to current legislation, law reports (case law), journal articles and legal encyclopaedias.
10,000+ online video based multidisciplinary courses. Large focus on IT and business, but includes lots of social, interpersonal and arts courses.
(Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts) Sources about information management.
Video collection covering the key issues facing midwifery and maternity professionals.
A full-text version of Pubmed, the U.S. National Library of Medicine journal citation database.
Market intelligence about consumer and business to business markets providing market sizes, market trends and consumer behaviour data.
Interactive tool to work out the size of a market sector for different countries or globally.
Additional resources for students on placement in the NHS. Accessed by an OpenAthens account.
Freely accessible multidisciplinary resources.
Full-text archives of Oxford Journals prior to 1996 in humanities, medicine, science, law & social sciences.
Physiotherapy Evidence Database.
Full-text journal articles in arts, business, history, linguistics, literature, philosophy, politics, psychology, and the social sciences from 1891 to 2000.
A website from CoPaCC focussing on the governance, management, and politics of policing.
An extensive collection of journal articles, reports, case studies and more on all aspects of business and management.
ProQuest Arts Premium
Definitive collection of magazines and scholarly journals in art, film, photography and design.
ProQuest Asian & European Business
Provides information about business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines.
ProQuest Biology Journals
Collection of peer-reviewed journals in variety of fields within biosciences.
ProQuest Central Journals Collection
Multi-disciplinary database providing full-text articles from a number of publishers.
ProQuest Computing Database
Journal articles and other sources across all aspects of computing and IT-useful for business and also teaching.
ProQuest Criminal Justice
Research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, litigation, and crime trends.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Find the full text for Masters and PhD level dissertations and theses from right across the world.
ProQuest Education Journals
More than 600 titles in full text covering all stages of education.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
Subset of Proquest Central, containing journals, videos, dissertations and reference books.
ProQuest Political Science
Leading political science and international relations journals.
ProQuest Psychology Collection
Journal articles about behavioural, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
ProQuest Public Health Collection
Subset of Proquest Central, containing a range of materials on public health.
ProQuest Religion Collection
A diverse database covering formal theological studies of major religions.
ProQuest Science Journals
Focusing on applied and general sciences with both full-text and indexes.
ProQuest Social Science Journals
Indexes and full-text articles covering anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology.
ProQuest Sociology
International literature of sociology and social work, from 1985 onwards.
Full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in all aspects of psychology from the APA (American Psychological Association) and affiliated journals.
References and abstracts for biomedical articles, provided by the US National Library of Medicine.
Open Access, full-text journals for biomedical and life sciences from the US National Library of Medicine.
Referencing management system allowing you to capture, store and use references in your writing.
75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from across United States.
Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures
Includes over 350 evidence-based clinical procedures related to every aspect of care.
Royal Society of Chemistry Gold
Ebooks, journals and compound databases on wide range of chemical sciences.
Multi-disciplinary collection of ebook titles.
International multi-disciplinary database including full-text peer-reviewed articles from SAGE.
Resources focussed on research methodology across a wide range of subject disciplines.
Full-text peer-reviewed journals published by Elsevier. Multi-disciplinary with a science focus.
Natural sciences and ecology ebooks from Elsevier.
Includes a range of resources from the Natural Science Collection and the Technology Collection.
Essays and video clips of British TV and film from the BFI.
The UK's leading creators of educational videos for early years professionals.
Comprehensive high quality sociology research database (with full-text).
Collection of journal articles and other material about all aspects of sport, physiotherapy, fitness and related areas.
Database of statistics about more or less anything from around the world.
Ebooks collection of key titles in the visual arts.
Taylor & Francis Journals Online
Multidisciplinary resource offering Taylor and Francis journals, abstract databases and reference works.
Taylor & Francis Research Methods Ebooks
A collection of 150+ ebooks on the subject of research methods.
Indexing and abstracts of journals and magazines useful to professional educators.
Videos from experts on all aspects of physiotherapy.
Theatre Performance and Design Collection
Full-length productions from the National Theatre, RSC and others as well as professional, contextual and behind-the-scenes material.
Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching.
Evidence based medicine.
Datasets about many aspects of society and social sciences to use in research.
6000+ multidisciplinary ebook titles subscribed to by the university. Previously Dawsonera Ebook Collection.
Digitised, searchable archive of American Vogue from 1982 to present.
Multidisciplinary Index of scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Access to current legislation, law reports (case law), journal articles and overviews of legal issues.
Multidisciplinary database of Wiley journals, covering health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities.