Specialist Resource for Social Workers |
Community Care Inform |
Aimed at social workers and other professions who work with children and with adults, Community Care Inform pulls together policy, guides, research, case law and legislation on a wide range of topics, from adoption to mental health and welfare rights. You will need to use the Institutional Login option for both on and off campus to get access to the full-text. |
Mainly Journal Articles |
SocIndex |
Comprehensive high quality sociological journal collection, mostly full text. Contains the British Journal of Social Work but not the most recent year (see individual journals below for more detail) |
Articles from psychological journals especially useful for topics such as mental health but not necessarily from a social work perspective. |
Cinahl |
Although aimed at Nursing and Allied Health, this journals collection does include many articles on social work but also other articles on issues such as drugs or mental health. Contains the British Journal of Social Work but not the most recent year (see individual journals below for more detail) |
Child Development and Adolescent Studies |
Articles about growth and development of young people up to 21 years of age. No full text included, instead links to Onesearch to check if we have the article online. |
Sage Journals |
Includes a good range of social work and social policy journals eg Journal of Social Work, Critical Social Policy. Click on Browse by discipline for a list. |
Taylor and Francis |
Includes about 100 journals relevant to social work eg European Journal of Social Work |
Proquest Social Science Journals |
Articles from journals including social work |
Proquest Public Health Journals |
Articles from journals including social services and welfare |
Other Resources |
Campbell Collaboration |
The Campbell Collaboration is an international research network that produces systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions. It focuses on education, criminal justice, social policy and social care. |
Sage Research Methods |
A website about research methods. Find definitions, explore different methods, find the right statistical test, read up about how to conduct research and how to write it up. Includes a project planner to help you with different stages of your research. |
Grey Literature Resources |
Link to our page on where to find Grey Literature |
Proquest Dissertations and Theses |
A database containing the full text of Masters and Phd level dissertations and theses. Useful for seeing who else has been researching your area and what sources they have used. In addition good for examples of writing at this level. |
Law Databases - these 2 legal databases are very useful for tracking down the full text of case reports which your tutor may refer to or you find in textbooks. They are complex collections so do ask for help if required via skills@cumbria.ac.uk |
Lexis+ |
A legal database which contains amongst others two key family law journals - Family Law and Child and Family Law Quarterly |
Westlaw |
A large, comprehensive legal online service. The Case Analysis is particularly useful |