We have selected some key eresources and individual journal titles to help you locate relevant material for your subject. Click the link below to find out how to make the most of these resources.

Eresources allow you to search across multiple sources at one time eg a range of journal articles. Some eresources are subject specific and provide more tailored results.
In addition to these key eresources you can also explore our full A-Z of eresources.
Eresource | Description |
Academic Search Complete |
A multidisciplinary database with access to over 5,500 full text journals. A good place for a broad search. |
Digimap collection |
A useful resource for secondary geographers, Digimap is an online service that allows users to view and create both simple and customised maps of any location in Great Britain using Ordnance Survey map data. |
Education Source |
This claims to be the world’s largest and most complete collection of full text educational journals, covering all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education. It offers full text access to over 1,800 journals and over 550 books and monographs. An essential place to search for education assignments.
Watch this video to learn how to use and search in Education Source:Watch 'Eresources for Education - Education Source' | Microsoft Stream
Espresso Education |
Classroom resource. Use Espresso to find exciting and challenging teaching resources and embed them effectively into lessons. This covers all year groups and subjects, plus whole-school initiatives such as SEAL and Healthy Schools. A separate username and password is required to access this database both on and off campus - please contact the library for details. |
Access to 12 million academic journal articles, books and primary sources across many subject areas. The social sciences are well covered, with a good representation or resources from across 57 countries. |
Proquest Education Journals |
Access to over 900 top educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text. The coverage spans the literature on primary, secondary and higher education as well as special education, home schooling and adult education. This includes an option to limit your results to a specific geographical area such as the UK.
Watch this video to learn how to use and search in Proquest Education: Watch 'Eresources for Education Proquest Education' | Microsoft Stream
PSHE Association |
Access to teaching resources, key guidance with briefings, training and support from subject experts. A separate username and password is required to access this database both on and off campus - please contact the library for details. |
ScienceDirect |
A database containing articles from 1,800 journals relating to physical sciences and engineering, social sciences and humanities, life sciences and health sciences. |
Taylor and Francis Journals Online |
Multidisciplinary eresource with full text access to journals and reference books. |
Teacher Reference Center |
Indexing and abstract database for more than 270 teacher and administrator journals. Covering Primary, secondary and higher education. Limited full text coverage. |
Individual Journal Titles
Browse or search inside key journal titles for your subject below. For a full range of titles check our A-Z of journals via Journals Search.
Journal | Description |
British Journal of Special Education |
Journal from the National Association for Special Educational Needs. This title covers the whole range of learning difficulties relating to children in mainstream and special schools
Educational Psychology |
Provides an international forum for the discussion of research findings in psychological aspects of education. |
English Journal |
The National Council of English Teachers award-winning journal, focused on junior, middle and senior schools. |
Geography Teacher |
Peer reviewed journal from the National Council for Geographic Education. |
Mathematics Teaching |
Professional journal from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, offering practical insight into teaching from the Foundation Stage to Higher Education. |
Teaching History |
Peer reviewed journal from the Historical Association of Great Britain covering primary, secondary and Higher Education. |
The TES magazine |
A weekly UK magazine for education professionals. You will need to create a profile using your University of Cumbria email address. |
Theory into Practice |
Peer reviewed journal featuring multiple perspectives and scholarly, yet practical and engaging, discussions of important issues in education. |