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Welcome to your library subject page. This has been compiled by your subject librarian and is here to help you find information for your studies and research. It is not an exhaustive list of everything available, but will point you in the right direction.

  • Getting the best from your searching

    OneSearch is a good place to start your research. However as you progress through your course you will need to develop your searching skills to incorporate other sources.

    Watch the tutorial below for an introduction to searching or access our Finding Information page for more advice.

    How to search

    howdoisearch_placeholder, how do i search placeholder image

    Click on the image above or use this link to view the tutorial: How to search tutorial

    You can also sign up to our webinar for guidance on how you can develop your search skills.

  • Books and ebooks

    We buy relevant titles in both print and ebook versions. All titles are listed in on Onesearch or look for recommended texts on your module Reading List. Reading for university study may feel slightly daunting so try working out the best approach for you using the tips on our Reading page.

    Campus Libraries

    For students studying on campus you are welcome to visit our Fusehill Street and Lancaster campus libraries and browse our shelves for books on project management.  Project Management books are usually located on the shelves at shelfmark number 658.404. 

    You can look up titles before you visit on Onesearch and if you wish place a request to collect a title during your visit.   Contact our friendly staff whilst planning for your visit or whilst on campus pop into the library and ask at the library desk. 

    Studying online

    A couple of options if you would like to use print books but live away from our campuses:


    • You can visit other university libraries in your own area using the Sconul Access scheme.  This allows you to borrow books from these libraries if they have any bookstock relevant to your subject. Check their library catalogues before travelling.  Some university libraries also allow you to join as 'external users' in addition to Sconul eg Portsmouth University


    Many titles are available as ebooks. Check on or your module . See the ebooks banner on this page  for details about how to get the best out of ebooks and how to use accessability features.  

    Any queries about books and ebooks please contact the library or use the Student Enquiry Point.

  • Eresources and Journals

    We have selected some key eresources and individual journal titles to help you locate relevant material for your subject.


    Eresources allow you to search across multiple sources at one time eg a range of journal articles. Some eresources are subject specific and provide more tailored results.

    In addition to these key eresources you can also explore our full A-Z of eresources.

    abi_inform, pro quest abi inform logo ABI Inform Journal articles for all areas of project management, management and leadership, business environment, communication, risk. Plus reports on companies and countries.
    business_source_complete, business source complete icon Business Source Complete A huge collection of business related journals which contain articles on all areas of project management, management and leadership, business environment, communication, risk.  Reports too on companies and countries.
    british_standards_online, bsi - british standards online icon 

    British Standards Online (BSOL)

    Some 20 individual British Standards for project management listed on the link to the left.
    academic_search_complete, academic search complete logo 

    Academic Search Complete

    Multi-topic journal collection containing many articles on project managment
    gartner, gartner logo  Gartner IT reports Articles and reports from leading IT analysts. Includes substantial amount on project management
    psycarticles, psyc articles logo PsycArticles

    Articles on psychology which includes projects and for example leadership

    sage, sage logo  Sage Journals Contains the Project Management Journal and articles of relevance from other journal titles
    science_direct, science direct logo  Sciencedirect Contains the International Journal of Project Management and a very good selection of other articles of relevance from other journal titles, many from a science and engineering background.
      Proquest and Dissertations and Theses Global 

    Masters and Doctoral theses in full text on many subjects

    statista, statista logo  Statista Global business statistical database which includes statistics about project management software, companies, the market etc.  Can download charts and graphs to add to reports.
    web_of_science, web of science logo Web of Science Useful for Dissertation modules as part of the literature review process. In this instance useful for citation tracking. Use the 'Cited References' option to find out for a specific reference who else has used that reference, how often it has been used and in which publications.  

    Individual Journal Titles

    Browse or search inside key journal titles for your subject below. For a full range of titles check our A-Z of journals via Journals Search.

    dl_journals, cartoon of an orange journal International Journal of Project Management Published by Elsevier in collaboration with the Association for Project Management (APM) and the International Project Management Association (IPMA)Tcovering leading edge innovative research in project management and organizing.
    Project Management Journal Academic and research journal from the Project Management Institute covering state-of-the-art research, techniques, theories, and applications in project management
  • Web links eg APM, PMI and others for your subject

    Web LinkDescription
    dl_websites, orange cartoon of globe with computer mouse hovering over it 

    Professional Bodies


    Association for Project Management (UK)

    Lots of freely available useful resources. Students can apply for free student membership - free membership gives you access to some publications such as AMPBOK - theses are also available from UoC - see this link to list of APM books held in UoC
    International Project Management Association  

    Project Management Institute  (USA)

    PMBOK and other information. Student membership. Link to list of PMI books held in UoC

    Their website has lots of advice and resources.

    Government Websites

    Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy  

    Health and Safety Executive


    Infrastructure and Projects Authority

    Includes the Project Initiaiton Roadmap

    Other Websites


    12Manage - Program and Project Management

    Program and project management methods, models and theories (free self sign up required).

    Association of Researchers in Construction Management

     News, research, abstracts and publications. 


    Gloabl best practice for project, programme and portfolio management.  Includes Prince2, Agile and MSP

    Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

    Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)  


    Informaton about NEC3 and NEC4.  Link to books in the library


    Software site

    Project Smart

    The philosophy of the website is to provide free, high-quality, ethical content in an accessible form while encouraging an open discussion about the project management profession
  • Getting help

    Help and AdviceLink
    dl_troubleshoot, orange cartoon of a computer screen with an exclamation mark on it

    If you are experiencing any problems accessing eresources, check our troubleshooting guide for advice.

    Accessing Online Resources
    dl_passwords, orange cartoon of a lock

    If you are experiencing problems logging into a resource, try resetting your university password using the MFA Password Reset Tool.

    If the problem persists, please contact the IT Service Desk (

    MFA Password Reset 
    dl_step, cartoon icon of info symbol The Student Enquiry Point is a new, simpler way to contact Student Services. Using the Student Enquiry Point tile on the Student Hub you can submit an enquiry relating to the wide range of services provided by Student Services. Student Hub
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