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Welcome to your library subject page. This has been compiled by your subject librarian and is here to help you find information for your studies and research. It is not an exhaustive list of everything available, but will point you in the right direction.

  • Getting the best from your searching

    is a good place to start your research. However as you progress through your course you will need to develop your searching skills to incorporate other sources.

    Watch the tutorial below for an introduction to searching or access our page for more advice.

    How to search

    howdoisearch_placeholder, how do i search placeholder image

    Click on the image above or use this link to view the tutorial: How to search tutorial

    You can also sign up to our webinar for guidance on how you can develop your search skills.

  • Eresources and Journals

    We have selected some key eresources and individual journal titles to help you locate relevant material for your subject.


    Eresources allow you to search across multiple sources at one time eg a range of journal articles. Some eresources are subject specific and provide more tailored results.

    In addition to these key eresources you can also explore our full A-Z of eresources.


    science_direct, science direct logo ScienceDirect  Explore the wide selection of full-text Life Sciences journal articles and book chapters featuring original research, insightful analysis, current theory and more.
    web_of_science, web of science logo Web of Science Access to the world’s leading scholarly literature in the sciences.
    pubmed, pubmed logo PubMed PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
    proquest, proquest logo ProQuest Biology Journals This database provides access to a wide range of biology topics including some of the most popular information resources for users in academic, government and public research environments.
    cochrane_library, cochrane library logo Cochrane Library Unique source of reliable, up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care, including evidence-based systematic reviews and clinical trials. 
    current_controlled_trials, current controlled trials logo Current Controlled Trials Registry of all clinical trials that have been completed, are ongoing, or have been proposed including research designs, findings and associated data.
    anatomyTV, anatomy TV logo - orange background with a white double P Anatomy TV An Interactive 3D anatomy resource. Explore detailed images of the nervous, circulatory and muscoskeletal systems. Rotate the body, navigate through the layers of the nervous and circulatory systems and muscoskeletal structures. View these instructions if you encounter issues.
    bioline, bioline icon Bioline International Open access to quality research journals from developing countries on topics including tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases, biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development.
    cinahl, cinahl logo  CINAHL Plus with Full Text International database covers journal articles (also some books and theses) relating to nursing and applied health
    medline, medline logo MEDLINE with Full Text Provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
    NICE,   NICE  Searchable platform for the National Institute of Clinical Excellence. Locate current clinical pathways and guidance as well as view data on current trials. Access the BNF and Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) 

    Individual Journal Titles

    Browse or search inside key journal titles for your subject below. For a full range of titles check our A-Z of journals via Journals Search.

    dl_journals, cartoon of an orange journal British Journal of Biomedical Science Peer-reviewed journal with a UK focus on the diagnosis and management of disease that is valuable to the practicing laboratory scientist
    Journal of Biomedical Science Prominent title in the field of biomedicine which is global and comprehensive in its scope
    British Medical Journal (BMJ) Leading medical journal featuring high impact and significant research on range of medical and clinical topics
    The Lancet The Lancet is one of the longest-running medical journals with a focus on publishing influential research findings.
    Nature  Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science.
    New Scientist A weekly science magazine that covers current developments, news, reviews and commentary on science and technology.
    PNAS  PNAS is one of the world's most-cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary scientific journals, publishing more than 3,100 research papers annually.


  • Web links for your subject

    Web LinkDescription
    dl_websites, orange cartoon of globe with computer mouse hovering over it  Institute of Biomedical Science Professional body for UK biomedical professionals including guidance, standards and career support.

    ScienceDirect Topics

    Useful summaries of clinical and biological concepts, diseases, genes and much more

    EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute

    The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is part of EMBL, Europe's flagship laboratory for the life sciences.


    Ensembl is a genome browser for vertebrate genomes that supports research in comparative genomics, evolution, sequence variation and transcriptional regulation. Ensembl annotate genes, computes multiple alignments, predicts regulatory function and collects disease data. Ensembl tools include BLAST, BLAT, BioMart and the Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) for all supported species.

    ION: Index to Organism Names

    ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Clarivate Analytics' Zoological Record® database. Viruses, bacteria and plant names will be added from other Clarivate databases such as BIOSIS Previews®.

    National Institute for Health and Care Research

    Search for information on clinical trials in the UK including accessible summaries of results and recent updates of ongoing trials.

    PATRIC: Bacterial Bioinformatics Resource Center

    PATRIC, the Pathosystems Resource Integration Center, provides integrated data and analysis tools to support biomedical research on bacterial infectious diseases.

    Royal Society of Biology

    The Royal Society of Biology, previously called the Society of Biology, is a learned society and professional association in the United Kingdom created to advance the interests of biology in academia, industry, education, and research.


    Since 1997, the SciCentral editors have been aggregating breaking research news from the most reputable and reliable sources. The service has received over 30 Web awards and enthusiastic reviews from leading science publishers (e.g.; Science MagazineThe LancetThe New Scientist) for the quality of its service. Over 700 other websites point to SciCentral as a trusted source of information.

    National Human Genome Research Institute

    Genetics division of the American National Institute of Health; the largest biomedical research agency in the world.


  • Getting help

    Help and AdviceLink
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    If you are experiencing any problems accessing eresources, check our troubleshooting guide for advice.

    Accessing Online Resources
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    If you are experiencing problems logging into a resource, try resetting your university password using the MFA Password Reset Tool.

    If the problem persists, please contact the IT Service Desk (

    MFA Password Reset 
    dl_step, cartoon icon of info symbol The Student Enquiry Point is a new, simpler way to contact Student Services. Using the Student Enquiry Point tile on the Student Hub you can submit an enquiry relating to the wide range of services provided by Student Services. Student Hub



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