We have selected some key eresources and individual journal titles to help you locate relevant material for your subject.
Eresources allow you to search across multiple sources at one time eg a range of journal articles. Some eresources are subject specific and provide more tailored results.
In addition to these key eresources you can also explore our full A-Z of eresources.
Eresource | Description |
Anatomy.TV |
An Interactive 3D anatomy resource. Rotate the body, navigate through the layers and click on the image to bring up the relevant text.
This resource uses Adobe Flash. If you are struggling to view it, these instructions should help.
Instant Anatomy |
Diagrams, videos, podcasts and revision questions to help you get to grips with anatomy. |
Key eresources for sport |
SportDiscus |
Mostly full-text this collection covers journal articles, monographs and theses on sport, sport medicine, fitness and related disciplines.
This is the key collection for sport students.
Science Direct |
Covers physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences and social sciences.
Medline |
MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine journal citation database covering medicine, nursing, the health care system and much more. This version includes citations from 5,200 scholarly journals and full-text from more than 1,450. |
Academic Video Online |
The sports medicine channel of this resource features topics such as core strength assessment, physical activity guidelines, sports nutrition and the psychology of sports coaching. Well worth checking out for video content, interviews and slideshows. |
Wider and multi-disciplinary |
Articles and reports in the field of psychology.
Academic Search Complete |
A huge multi-disciplinary database which indexes (citations only) over 9,500 journals and provides full-text to over 6,500. Good for a search on more general topics. |
Individual Journal Titles
Browse or search inside key journal titles for your subject below. For a full range of titles check our A-Z of journals via Journals Search.
Journal | Description |
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology |
This journal covers areas such as group dynamics, moral and ethical issues, social aspects in sport and exercise, and biological aspects of behavior. |
Journal of Sport and Social Issues |
This journal brings together the latest research, discussion, and analysis on contemporary sport issues such as race, media, gender, economics, drugs, recruiting, injuries, and youth sports. |
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy |
This journal publishes research that reports educational practices in school physical education, club sport, and active leisure programs. Physical activities covered include aquatics, dance, exercise, gymnastics, outdoor and adventure activities, meditative and martial arts and sport. |