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Welcome to your library subject page. This has been compiled by your subject librarian and is here to help you find information for your studies and research. It is not an exhaustive list of everything available, but will point you in the right direction.

  • Getting the best from your searching

    OneSearch is a good place to start your research. However as you progress through your course you will need to develop your searching skills to incorporate other sources.

    Watch the tutorial below for an introduction to searching or access our Finding Information page for more advice.

    How to search

    howdoisearch_placeholder, how do i search placeholder image

    Click on the image above or use this link to view the tutorial: How to search tutorial

    You can also sign up to our webinar for guidance on how you can develop your search skills.

  • Eresources and Journals

    We have selected some key eresources and individual journal titles to help you locate relevant material for your subject.


    Eresources allow you to search across multiple sources at one time eg a range of journal articles. Some eresources are subject specific and provide more tailored results.

    In addition to these key eresources you can also explore our full A-Z of eresources.

    anatomyTV, anatomy TV logo - orange background with a white double P Anatomy.TV 

    An Interactive 3D anatomy resource.  Rotate the body, navigate through the layers and click on the image to bring up the relevant text.

    This resource uses Adobe Flash. If you are struggling to view it, these instructions should help.

    instant_anatomy, instant anatomy logo Instant Anatomy  Diagrams, videos, podcasts and revision questions to help you get to grips with anatomy.
      Key eresources for sport
    sport_discus, sport discus logo SportDiscus 

    Mostly full-text this collection covers journal articles, monographs and theses on sport, sport medicine, fitness and related disciplines. 

    This is the key collection for sport students.

    science_direct, science direct logo Science Direct 

    Covers physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences and social sciences.

    medline, medline logo Medline  MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine journal citation database covering medicine, nursing, the health care system and much more.  This version includes citations from 5,200 scholarly journals and full-text from more than 1,450.
    academic_video_online, academic video online Academic Video Online The sports medicine channel of this resource features topics such as core strength assessment, physical activity guidelines, sports nutrition and the psychology of sports coaching. Well worth checking out for video content, interviews and slideshows.
    Wider and multi-disciplinary 
    psycarticles, psyc articles logo PsycARTICLES 

    Articles and reports in the field of psychology.

    academic_search_complete, academic search complete logo  Academic Search Complete  A huge multi-disciplinary database which indexes (citations only) over 9,500 journals and provides full-text to over 6,500.  Good for a search on more general topics.

    Individual Journal Titles

    Browse or search inside key journal titles for your subject below. For a full range of titles check our A-Z of journals via Journals Search.

    dl_journals, cartoon of an orange journal International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology This journal covers areas such as group dynamics, moral and ethical issues, social aspects in sport and exercise, and biological aspects of behavior.
    Journal of Sport and Social Issues This journal brings together the latest research, discussion, and analysis on contemporary sport issues such as race, media, gender, economics, drugs, recruiting, injuries, and youth sports.
    Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy This journal publishes research that reports educational practices in school physical education, club sport, and active leisure programs. Physical activities covered include aquatics, dance, exercise, gymnastics, outdoor and adventure activities, meditative and martial arts and sport.


  • Web links: National & international sports bodies

    UK National Governing Bodies

    These sites should be of interest to students researching a particular sport played in the UK, and/ or those interested in taking up a particular sport. Most NGB sites include contact details, and may help you locate a local team/ organisation.  Use a search engine to locate your sport's governing body. 

    National Bodies
    dl_websites, orange cartoon of globe with computer mouse hovering over it  



    Association of Physical Education The PE Subject Association in the UK. Contains resources and national curriculum recommendations, as well as information about professional learning.
    Australian Sports Commission Australian site aimed at athletes, familes, schools, coaches and sports organisations. 
    BBC Sport Academy "Where the stars show you how" 

    British Athletics home page

    Details of area and national records and pages on specific athletic events.

    British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

    The professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.
    British Gymnastics The UK National Governing Body for the sport of Gymnastics, dedicated to developing gymnasts, coaches and clubs across a range of disciplines.
    British Swimming (previously Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches) The UK national governing body for Swimming, Diving, Synchronised Swimming, Water Polo and Open Water.
    The British Olympic Association Team GB 
    Department of Culture, Media & Sport Government website 
    English Institute of Sport (EIS) Improving sporting performance through science, medicine, technology and engineering.
    Shape America: Society of Health and Physical Educators This organisation works in schools across the USA. 
    Sport and Recreation Alliance (previously CCPR) News, events and training opportunities. 
    UK Coaching UK coaching resources, events and support. 
    Sports Council for Northern Ireland The leading public body for the development of sport in Northern Ireland.
    Sports Council For Wales Publications, research and job vacancies. 
    Sport England Resources, news and careers in sport. 
    Sport Information Resource Center (SIRC) Canadian site featuring resources, blogs and sports news. 
    Sport Scotland The national agency for sport in Scotland. 
    UK sport Events, news, sports and resources. 

    International Sports Federations

    If you want to find out about the rules of a particular sport, recent results, events, players, teams, the sport's history, or contact details to request information, one of the best places to start is its International Federation.  Use a search engine to locate your sport's International Federation page.

    International Bodies
    dl_websites, orange cartoon of globe with computer mouse hovering over it  International Olympic Committee Includes useful facts and figures.

    International Society of Biomechanics

    Covers a range of areas, including anatomy, physiology, engineering (biomedical, mechanical, mechatronics, etc.), orthopedics, rehabilitation medicine, sports science, sports medicine, ergonomics, and electrophysiological kinesiology.
  • Web links: Disability in sport (organisations)

    International Sport and Disability Organisations
    dl_websites, orange cartoon of globe with computer mouse hovering over it  The British Paralympic Association Team GB 

    Centre for Social Justice in Sport and Society

    Aims to transform the culture of sports from competition to inclusion and to promote a paradigm shift that sports are more than just the scoreboard.

    Activity Alliance (previously the English Federation of Disability Sport)

    National charity at the centre of influential world-renowned programmes for disabled people.

    Scottish Disability Sport 

    Aims to encourage the development of sport and physical recreation for disabled people throughout Scotland.

    International Paralympic Committee 

    The leading global organisation developing sport activities for people with disabilities as a tool for changing lives and contributing to an inclusive society for all.
  • Web links: Women in sport (organisations)

    Women and Sports Organisations
    dl_websites, orange cartoon of globe with computer mouse hovering over it  Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity Canadian site which contains resources, publications, facts and statistics. 

    Women's Sports and Fitness Foundation 

    UK news, information, research pages, bibliographies, etc.

    Women's sports foundation

    US site which aims to ensure equitable access to sport for women through research, training and advocacy programmes.

    Australian women's sport and recreation association

    Australian site which focuses on women in leadership and mentoring. 


  • Web links: Additional links

    dl_websites, orange cartoon of globe with computer mouse hovering over it  Association of Football Statisticians History of football, teams, players, injuries, obituaries

    Coaching Science Abstracts

    Coaching science abstracts from 1994 - 2018. 

    [e]ssential Links to Sports

    US site which links to most major sporting websites (some UK and international).

    LA84 (previously Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)

    This site contains the full text of articles from selected sports and athletics journals, plus information on the Olympics and other international games.

    Sports links USA

    Sport Development UK

    A collection of resources for students about sports development in the United Kingdom.


    A peer-reviewed journal and site for sport research.
  • Getting help

    Help and AdviceLink
    dl_troubleshoot, orange cartoon of a computer screen with an exclamation mark on it

    If you are experiencing any problems accessing eresources, check our troubleshooting guide for advice.

    Accessing Online Resources
    dl_passwords, orange cartoon of a lock

    If you are experiencing problems logging into a resource, try resetting your university password using the MFA Password Reset Tool.

    If the problem persists, please contact the IT Service Desk (

    MFA Password Reset 
    dl_step, cartoon icon of info symbol The Student Enquiry Point is a new, simpler way to contact Student Services. Using the Student Enquiry Point tile on the Student Hub you can submit an enquiry relating to the wide range of services provided by Student Services. Student Hub



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