When you include information from other books, websites or journals to support your assignments at university you must cite these in your work and include full details in your list of references. If you don’t do this correctly, you could be accused of stealing other people’s ideas or words and trying to pass them off as your own, this is known as plagiarism.
Referencing can seem a bit daunting at first, but don’t panic!
You can view our generic Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism resources, but you need to apply the MHRA referencing system to any examples given.
What is MHRA?
The referencing system used on the English programme is MHRA. The guide can be accessed free at: www.mhra.org.uk (under ‘Popular Downloads’). Hard copies can also be purchased from this site. For more detailed information please see your Programme Handbook.
(Please note that the University’s standard referencing system is Harvard, and that as students on this programme you are therefore using a different system to the one which you may find references to elsewhere in the University. MHRA is the referencing system followed on the programme since it is widely used within the Arts and Humanities.)