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The Skills@Cumbria team offers webinars for University of Cumbria students in a number of topics. This is additional to any workshops that may be offered to your subject group, online support and appointments with the Skills@Cumbria team.

To book, click on a link in the table or open the relevant section below where you will also find more details for each webinar and related videos.

On the day of the webinar, an invitation with a link to join will be sent to your University email.  Booking will close 24 hours before the webinar start time. 

  January February  March April
Academic writing Wednesday 8th
Thursday 27th 
16:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 25th 
Monday 28th
Assignment Journey: Techniques for Figuring Out
Assignment Briefs and Planning
    Tuesday 11th
Assignment Journey: Planning Research, the Reading
Process and Organising Notes 
    Wednesday 12th

Assignment Journey: Creating Effective Paragraphs

    Thursday 13th
Being critical at Level 6&7 Monday 20th
  Wednesday 5th
Headphones in: crack on.
Student study tips

Wednesday 12th

Friday 14th

  Tuesday 22nd
Honing Your Academic Style Tuesday 21

Thursday 6th 11:00-12:00

Live Well Learn Well: Managing Academic Stress   Monday 10th 12:30 - 13:30  Wednesday 26th 11:00 - 12:00   
Live Well, Learn Well: Procrastination Wednesday 22nd
Tuesday 11th 12:00 - 12:45    Thursday 24th 11:00 - 11:45 
Managing multiple deadlines with less stress Tuesday 21
Referencing Tuesday 7th
Wednesday 26th
Thursday 27th
Tuesday 29th
Refworks Friday 24th
  Tuesday 4th
Wednesday 30th
Searching   Tuesday 11th
  Wednesday 23rd
Thinking Critically About Generative AI:
Exploring Possibilities and Pitfalls
Thursday 23rd
  Thursday 27th 14:00-15:00  
Writing at Level 7 Tuesday 28th
  Wednesday 19th
Wednesday 30th



These webinars are designed for students studying at the University of Cumbria. Students from partner colleges are encouraged to contact their own institutions for academic skills advice and guidance. If you are a Robert Kennedy College student please access your resource page for your courses and contact Robert Kennedy College Student Care for support with academic writing and referencing

Our Head Start online study skills tutorials are open access and available to all.

Technical requirements

Webinars are currently being offered via Blackboard Collaborate. See the section below Blackboard Collaborate: Webinars to get started. Additional information is available from our Blackboard Collaborate page.


  • Academic writing: getting started

    This webinar will cover:

    • Structuring your work
    • What should be in a paragraph
    • Using literature in your work
    • Academic writing style
    • Before you submit


    Please click on the date below  to book a place on this webinar. 

    Academic writing: Wednesday 8th January 13:00-14:00

    Academic writing: Thursday 27th February 16:00 - 17:00

    Academic Writing: Tuesday 25th March 16:00-17:00

    Academic writing: Monday 28th April 12:00-13:00

    A link to the webinar room will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

    To watch a recording of the key points of this webinar, click here.

    You can also access our Writing at University page for further support and view our videos about writing at your level:

    Working at Level 4 (video)  Working at Level 5 (video)  Working at Level 6 (Video)  Working at Level 7 (Video) 
  • Assignment Journey: Techniques for Figuring Out Assignment Briefs and Planning

    This webinar will cover:

    • Techniques to fully understand assignment tasks
    • Creating your assignment lay out
    • Building a plan for your research/reading


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Techniques for Figuring Out Assignment Briefs and Planning: Dates coming soon

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time.


    Please note that this session would be understood better, if students could also sign up for the Strategies for Research, the Reading Process and Organising Notes webinar and the Creating Effective Paragraphs, Using Evidence, Paraphrasing and Referencing webinar.  However, you may not be available to sign up for all three, so register for the ones that you can make, and we will do our best to review the key points of the sessions that have been given previously.


    Further advice and tips are available to visit at any time on our Writing at Universitypage and Quick guide to Academic writing. This page includes a short interactive session about planning your assignments, which can also be found here.   

  • Assignment Journey: Strategies for Research, the Reading Process and Organising Notes

    The content of this webinar will be:

    • Short review of the key points surrounding using briefs to structure the assignment and research
    • Techniques for saving time when locating and reading relevant texts
    • Strategies to aid effective and efficient notetaking


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Strategies for Research, The Reading Process and Organising Notes: Dates coming soon 

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time.

    Please note that this session would be understood better, if students could also sign up for the Techniques for Figuring Out Assignment Briefs and Planning webinar and the Creating Effective Paragraphs, Using Evidence, Paraphrasing and Referencing webinar.  However, you may not be available to sign up for all three, so register for the ones that you can make, and we will do our best to review the key points of the sessions that have been given previously.


    Further advice and tips are available to visit at any time on ourReading and Notetaking page. Our Finding Information page may also be useful in helping with your research and reading process.  

  • Assignment Journey: Creating Effective Paragraphs, Using Evidence, Paraphrasing and Referencing

    The content of this webinar will be:

    • Identifying key principles of effective paragraph writing
    • Clarifying the difference between types of evidence, their rules and how to use them correctly in your writing
    • Demystifying and simplifying referencing


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Creating Effective Paragraphs, Using Evidence, Paraphrasing and Referencing: Thursday 13th March 18:30-19:30

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time.

    Please note that this session would be understood better, if students could also sign up for the Techniques for Figuring Out Assignment Briefs and Planning webinar and the Strategies for Research, the Reading Process and Organising Notes webinar.  However, you may not be available to sign up for all three, so register for the ones that you can make, and we will do our best to review the key points of the sessions that have been given previously.


    Further advice and tips are available to visit at any time on our Writing at University page, which includes the Quick guide to Academic writing. We also have Essay Structure, IntroductionParagraph and Conclusion templates that may be useful for you.  Further useful resources include: the Reverse Outline, which helps check for flow and Signposting, which supports you with your academic tone.  

  • Being critical at levels 6 and 7

    This webinar will cover: 

    • Being a critical thinker 
    • Critically engaging with reading at university 
    • Critical writing in assignments 
    • Being a critically reflective practitioner 


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Being Critical: Wednesday 9th October 16:00-17:30

    Being Critical: Tuesday 3rd December 13:00-14:30

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

    Further advice and tips are available to visit at any time on our Being Critical page. Access our Head Start page for information about Head Start Plus for students working at level six and Head Start to Postgraduate Study for those working at level 7.  

  • Headphones in, Crack On: Top tips from students

    The content of this webinar will be based around top tips we have gathered from students on student life and all aspects of academic study.

    Come along and find out what other students have to say about getting the best out of your time at the University of Cumbria.


    Please click on the date below  to book a place on this webinar

    Headphones in, Crack on: Top tips from students: Wednesday 12th February 12:00 - 12:30
    Headphones in, Crack on: Top tips from students: Friday 14th February 13:00 - 13:30pm
    Headphones in, Crack on: Top Tips from students: Tuesday 22nd April 17:00 - 17:30

    A link to the webinar room will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

    Watch a recording of this webinar

    Study skills advice can be found on our Skills@Cumbria pages, including time management. Our colleagues in the Mental Health and Wellbeing team also offer some useful advice about successful study health. 

  • Honing your Academic Style

    This webinar will cover:

    • Being concise
    • Developing precision with language
    • Using measured and cautious language
    • Distinguishing between formal and informal expressions

    To find out more about academic writing style visit our writing at university and spelling and grammar page. 

    You can also watch a video of this webinar.  

    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Honing your Academic Style: Thursday 6th March 11am - 12pm 


    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time.

  • Live Well Learn Well: Managing Academic Stress

    Delivered by the Skills@Cumbria and Wellbeing Team this webinar will cover:

    • Understanding academic stress
    • Strategies to manage stress
    • Tips to stay on top of your studies

    Rest assured, our webinars take place within the Live Well Learn Well community, ensuring a supportive, anonymous and constructive environment for everyone involved.  


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Managing Academic Stress: Monday 10th February 12:30 - 13:30

    Managing Academic Stress: Wednesday 26th March 11:00 - 12:00

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

  • Live Well Learn Well: Procrastination

    Delivered by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Team and Skills@Cumbria, the content of this 45 minute webinar will be:

    • What is procrastination?
    • Why do we procrastinate?
    • Tackling procrastination and managing your time

    This is a safe confidential space and participation can be anonymous.

    Find out more about managing your time on our dedicated page. To learn more about procrastination visit TogetherAll


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Procrastination: Tuesday 11th February 12:00 - 12:45
    Procrastination: Thursday 24th April 11:00 - 11:45

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time.

  • Managing multiple deadlines with less stress

    This webinar may help those students who have serval assignment deadlines that are due very close together.  It aims to take you through techniques that can be used to help plan ahead, break tasks down into chunks and set small goals for these tasks to be completed in a manageable way so that stress and anxiety can be reduced and deadlines can be met.


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Managing multiple deadlines with less stress: Tuesday 21 January 12:00-13:00 

    A link to the webinar room will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

  • Referencing with Cite them right

    This webinar will cover:

    • Why do we reference at university?
    • Creating in-text citations
    • Writing your reference list
    • Using the Cite Them Right ebook and Quick Guide to referencing


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Referencing: Tuesday 7th January 12:00-13:00 

    Referencing: Wednesday 26th February 17:00-18:00

    Referencing: Thursday 27th March 13:00-14:00

    Referencing: Tuesday 29th April 17:00-18:00

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

    To view a recording of the key points of this webinar click here.
    Further advice and tips are available to visit at any time on our Referencing page, along with our handy Quick Guide to Referencing.
  • Refworks

    RefWorks is a reference management tool similar to Endnote.  This webinar will cover:

    • What RefWorks does
    • Creating an account
    • Importing references
    • Creating a reference list
    • Using within Word

    You can find out more about Refworks and access an introductory guide and videos by visiting our RefWorks page.  There is also a short Introduction to RefWorks video and a video on Using the Reference Citation Manager in Word.


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Refworks: Friday 24th January 13:00-14:00

    Refworks: Tuesday 4th March 17:00-18:00 

    Refworks: Wednesday 30th April 12:00-13:00

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

  • Searching for quality sources

    This webinar will cover:

    • Beginning your research
    • Search strategies
    • OneSearch and advanced searching
    • Finding subject specific resources


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Searching: Tuesday 11th February 16:00-17:00 

    Searching: Wednesday 23rd April 13:00-14:00

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time. 

    To view a recording of the key points of this webinar click here.
    You may also like to explore the following guides and videos
    Finding information Useful webpage detailing books, journals and websites and getting the best from these sources 
    Finding and exploring ebooks Video introduction to the key features of ebooks
    OneSearch - finding articles Video introduction to journal articles
    OneSearch - advanced search Video introduction to advanced searching and using filters
    Literature searching form Plan your search using our template
    Library Subject pages video List of subjects
    Troubleshooting Check here for advice and guidance accessing resources 
  • Thinking critically about Gen AI: possibilities & pitfalls

    This webinar offers a collaborative, safe space to find out about and share our knowledge, experiences, and questions about Gen AI. 

    The webinar will cover: 

    What are the possibilities Gen AI might offer in supporting us on our academic learning journies?

    What are the potential pitfalls when it comes to Gen AI and academic work?

    How can critical thinking help us navigate this fast moving, constantly changing area of technology?    

    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar.

    Thinking critically about Gen AI: Thur 27 Mar 2025 14.00 - 15:00

    A link to the webinar will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time.

  • Writing at level 7

    Writing at level 7: this webinar is aimed at students either new to writing at level 7 or those who are looking for a refresher.

    It will cover:
    brief refresher of foundational writing skills;
    critical thinking and being a critically reflective practitioner;
    writing at level 7

    Learn more about writing at Level 7 in our Headstart to Postgraduate course. 


    Please click on the date below to book a place on this webinar

    Writng at level 7: Tuesday 28th January 18:30-19:30
    Writing at level 7: Wednesday 19th March 18.30-19.30
    Writing at level 7: Wednesday 30th April 18:30-19:30

    A link to the webinar room will be sent to your University of Cumbria email address within 24 hours of the start time.

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