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Computers play a key role in everyone’s life at the university. Use the information below to find out what’s available and how to access it.

  • Study Spaces

    Computer Rooms

    There are computer rooms on each of our campuses. These offer university computers which provide access to all of our sytems and services, library resources, a wide range of software, your student email account and the internet.

    Computer rooms also provide access to UoC Guest Wifi and Eduroam, allowing you to connect your own devices to the internet.

    Study Spaces

    There are a range of Study Spaces, available on all of our campuses. These include relaxed social learning spaces, quiet study areas, outdoor social spaces and group study rooms.

    Some rooms are bookable and give you the option to study alone or in groups.

    Indoor study spaces provide access to UoC Guest Wifi and Eduroam, allowing you to connect your own devices to the internet.

    PODS (Pre-Recorded Online Delivery Studio)

    There are a number of PODS, available around our campuses. There are a choice of 7 spread across the University which are all bookable using the Libraries room booking system.

    The PODS can be used to record content via OBS or even to be used whilst meeting in Teams.

    For more information on the PODS please take a look at the following guidance.

  • Computers and Equipment

    University Computers

    University computers are located in Computer Rooms and Libraries. They are available to all registered students and provide access to all of our sytems and services, library resources, a wide range of software, your student email account and the internet. University computers are generally available on a first-come first-served basis, but be aware that some computer rooms are bookable and may be in use for teaching.

    Laptop Loans

    A limited number of library laptop loans are available to students. Desktop PCs are also available for use in the libraries. 

    Thinking of buying your own computer?  Discounted access to refurbished laptops or desktops is now available for all students - please see the section for this on the IT Facilities page for further details. 

    Printers and Photocopiers

    Combined Printer and Photocopier devices (MFD) are available across all campuses. Send printing from a university computer, laptop or your own device (using the Everyone Print service) and complete your printing using your Cumbria Card or network Username and Password.

    Assistive Technology

    The university provides a range of Assistive Technology to support you no matter what your learning needs. This includes Assistive Software, Apps for Learning, Library Loan Equipment and Assisitive Workstations.

    We have over 30 Assistive Workstations deployed across the University Campuses.

    The workstations are situated in the library study areas and computer rooms. Each station includes a variety of hardware and software to meet a variety of learning needs.

    Media Equipment

    Our Libraries have Media Equipment available for you to borrow using your Cumbria Card. This includes video cameras, digital still cameras, tripods, microphones and audio recorders. Information Services can also support you in editing your captured media files.

    Media Students at Brampton Road

    You have access to the AV Media Resource Area. This resource is exclusively available to Brampton Road media, art and design students and is staffed by a dedicated team of technicians.

  • Mobile Devices - Mobile Apps

    We have a number of mobile apps available to support your learning. These can be installed on your own Android and Apple devices (some apps also work with Windows).

    The available Apps include:

    • Student Hub
    • Blackboard
    • Outlook
    • OneDrive
    • Word
    • Excel
    • PowerPoint
    • PebblePad

    See Mobile Apps for more information and download links.

  • Internet Access

    All university computers and laptops will connect automatically to the university network, giving you access to the internet.

    With wifi connectivity, you can access your university network, using your own devices.

    Eduroam is the preferred way to connect your own device to wifi on campus, using your university network username and password, and you can use it at any other Eduroam institutions across the world.

  • Software

    University computers and laptops are preloaded with a range of software to support your studies, including Microsoft Office, education software and specialist media packages.

    You can also download and use up to 5 free copies of Microsoft Office on your own devices.

    Assisitive Software is available to students who need it and specific packages are preloaded onto the Assistive Workstations.

    Support in your use of our installed software can be found via Digital Skills and includes guidance on the main Microsoft Office tools including how to use Microsoft Word for your Assignments.

    The software I want to use is not available - can I get it?

    This will depend on the software, but you can log a request with the IT Service Desk and we will look into it for you.


  • Health, Safety and Wellbeing

    It’s easy to sit at your screen for too long, get your posture wrong or forget to take a break. But taking care of your health is important too. See Staying Safe and Healthy for top tips about your use of computers.

    When working online, it is also important to protect yourself and maintain healthy relationships.

  • Accessing Your Work From Home

    Students can access their OneDrive from any location and device so long as internet access is available.

    Staff can also access their OneDrive from any location - on their UoC-provided device, or their personally owned device if it is configured as per the instructions here:

    Simply log in to Outlook on the Web and choose OneDrive from the Apps Launcher (small grid of nine squares at the top left of the screen).

    You can work directly on Microsoft Office documents in the browser window or download files to work on them locally. If you choose to work on documents, on the web, OneDrive will automatically save your file(s) as you work on them.

    See our OneDrive Guides for more information about using OneDrive. 

    Remote Desktop (Student)

    The Remote Desktop service allows you to remotely access a university Windows 10 computer when working off campus. This can be useful if you need to access specific software that is available on campus, but isn't available through a web browser. You can find out more about this service, including how to register and which software is available on the Student Remote Desktop Service page.

    Remote Desktop (Staff)

    Staff can access the Remote Desktop and work as though they are at their university computer, including being automatically logged into systems and services such as Outlook, Skype, Blackboard and Library resources, with the following exceptions:

    • You cannot access files that are stored on desktop of your university computer
    • You cannot access the C:Drive of your university computer
    • You cannot access any additional/specialist software that has been installed on your university computer

    Please log in to StaffHub and select Remote Desktop from the Systems drop down menu.

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