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To gain access to the extensive range of IT services that your university offers, you need to know about usernames and passwords, and you need to log on to the university Network. The following sections will help you to get online and stay online at university.

During the process of activating your Network Account you'll be prompted to register for Multi Factor Authentication. Not only does this give you added security when accessing your account, but it also gives you access to the service needed to reset your account password at any time. 

  • New and Returning Students

    New students

    • You must have already completed the online registration process. An email, sent to your personal email account, invited you to do this. 
    • Now follow the instructions in the First log on sections below to set up your Network access.
    Can we help?
    • Not completed the online registration process? Do so now, using the information included in the email we sent you. 
    • If you experience any problems with online registration, or need any help or advice, please contact

    Returning students

    Your previous username and password may still work. Try the following:

    • In a browser, open the Student Hub at
    • Can you login?
      • Yes: Your account is still active and you have access to university systems.
      • No: Your account has either expired or been locked. Contact the IT Service Desk and explain that you are a returning student.

    Can we help?

    Forgotten your password? See the Forgotten Password section below for help.

  • First Log On ➡ On Campus (using a university laptop or computer)

    These instructions are for students who are using a University of Cumbria computer/laptop for their first logon. All other locations and devices should use the "First Log On ➡ Off Campus" instructions further down this page.

    Before you start

    1. You must have successfully completed the online registration process.
    2. You need access to the internet.  

    How to log on to the Network for the first time (using a university computer or laptop)

    1 When you open a university computer’s web browser, a box appears asking for a username and password. Enter newstudent as the username and Welcome1 as the password. Select OK and the browser will open.
    2 The browser will start automatically, or in the web browser, type
    3 If a Security Alert box appears, just select OK. An Activate your account screen appears and asks you to read and agree to the university's terms and conditions of using the IT network - you can not progress unless you agree.
    4 You will then be asked if you are a student or a member of staff?
    On the next screen, in the Student Number field, type your student number. Just type the number up to the first slash (/). Don’t include /1 or /2 in the number.
    In the Date of Birth fields, enter your date of birth in the format shown.
    Select a memorable question and enter the answer in the box shown. 
    Select Submit.
    You will then be asked to enter a password of your choice.  Please read the text about how your password should be formatted.
    The final screen displays your username and your email address, please record these somewhere safe so you don't forget them.
    8 You can log on using your student number and password. 

    Your university username and password will:

    • Allow you to logon to any of the university computers
    • Give you access to your own file storage area
    • Give you access to your own printing account
    • Provide you with a university email address
    • Give you access to all of the online resources provided by the university including the university's Virtual Learning Environment (Blackboard) and your personal learning space (PebblePad). 
  • First Log On ➡ On campus with your own device (BYOD)

    These instructions are for students activating their IT account who are:

    • on campus with their own device (BYOD)

    If you are on-campus using a university laptop/computer, please see the  instructions.  If you are off campus, please follow the IT Account Activation - Off Campus instructions

    Before you start

    1. You must have successfully completed the  process.
    2. You need access to the internet


    1 Open a web browser and go to:
    2 If a Security Alert box appears, just select OK. An Activate your account screen appears and asks you to read and agree to the university's terms and conditions of using the IT network - you can not progress unless you agree.
    3 You will then be asked if you are a student or a member of staff
    On the next screen, in the Student Number field, type your student number. Just type the number up to the first slash (/). Don’t include /1 or /2 in the number.
    In the Date of Birth fields, enter your date of birth in the format shown.
    Select a memorable question and enter the answer in the box shown. 
    Select Submit.
    You will then be asked to enter a passsword of your choice.  Please read the text about how your password should be formatted.
    The final screen displays your username and your email address, please record these somewhere safe so you don't forget them. They are not sent to you.

    To access all our resources on your own device on campus including

    - Email

    - File storage area

    - Printing

    - Blackboard

    - Pebblepad,

    - Library EResources and more

    Open a web browser and navigate to - everything you need as a student is located in there, sign in using your email address that you were provided with at account activation (it is in the format of

  • First Log On ➡ Off campus

    These instructions are for students who are using their own device to activate their account on the university network. If you are using a university laptop/computer, please see the "First Log On ➡ On Campus" instructions in the section above.

    Before you start

    1. You must have successfully completed the online registration process.
    2. You need access to the internet.  

    How to log on to the Network for the first time (on your own device)

    1 Open a web browser and go to:
    2 If a Security Alert box appears, just select OK. An Activate your account screen appears and asks you to read and agree to the university's terms and conditions of using the IT network - you can not progress unless you agree.
    3 You will then be asked if you are a student or a member of staff?
    On the next screen, in the Student Number field, type your student number. Just type the number up to the first slash (/). Don’t include /1 or /2 in the number.
    In the Date of Birth fields, enter your date of birth in the format shown.
    Select a memorable question and enter the answer in the box shown. 
    Select Submit.
    You will then be asked to enter a passsword of your choice.  Please read the text about how your password should be formatted.
    The final screen displays your username and your email address, please record these somewhere safe so you don't forget them.
    7 You can log on using your student number and password. 

    Your university username and password will:

    • Allow you to logon to any of the university computers
    • Give you access to your own file storage area
    • Give you access to your own printing account
    • Provide you with a university email address
    • Give you access to all of the online resources provided by the university including the university's Virtual Learning Environment (Blackboard) and your personal learning space (PebblePad). 
  • Forgotten Password

    Make these checks first

    If you are a student and have tried to enter your username and password but they didn’t work, check the following:

    1. Did you enter your Network username? 
      Enter your studentnumber.  For example, 123456. You don’t need to use this part of your student number: /1 or /2. Just the digits before the first slash (/).
    2. Did you enter your Network password?  
      This is the password that displayed when you logged on to the Network for the first time (your temporary password), or a password of your choice.  Passwords on the Network are case sensitive. 
      Check that you entered correctly any upper and lower case letters.

    Need to reset your account password?

    You can reset your password online using the Microsoft Online Password Reset Tool. No need to register for this as you will automatically be signed up for the service when you register for Multi Factor Authentication.

    You will need your student or staff email address to complete the reset.


  • Staff Logins

    Expiring Password

    Expired Password

    Forgotten Password

    Locked Account

    Top Tips

    See Cyber Security for more information about creating secure passwords and keeping your login credentials safe.

  • Account Lockout advice

    If you keep getting messages that your account is locked out, the following steps could assist.


    • Have you updated your password on all your devices? 
    • Have you cleared your browser history and cookies to remove cached credentials? 
    • Have you updated all apps, services and scheduled tasks that require your password. For example, Eduroam? 
    • Mac Users – have you updated your Keychains? 

    If your account continues to lock, please contact the IT Service Desk. 

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