- Where will my certificate pack be delivered?
- Where can I get help with submitting an appeal?
- Where can I find information on ECs?
- Where and how do I submit my assignment if not online?
- When will the exam timetable be available?
- When will I be informed of the outcome of my EC claim?
- When do I need to submit my Extenuating Circumstances claim?
- When can I appeal?
- What will happen as a result of a valid claim?
- What's the highest mark possible after a module reassessment?
- What is Intellectual Ownership?
- What is a provisional mark?
- What if I have an exam as part of my outstanding reassessment?
- What will happen if I am suspected of Malpractice?
- What identification do I need to bring with me to the exam?
- What happens if I don't make a valid claim?
- What happens if I don't have enough credits to progress?
- What happens if I don't fill in the form in full or don't provide documentary evidence?
- What happens at a Major Malpractice Panel of Inquiry?
- What do I need to do if I am ill while on my Placement?
- What do I need to consider when submitting an appeal on grounds of Extenuating Circumstances?
- What does it mean when I have a 'Confirmed Failure' in the module?
- What contact will I have with the university while I am a Reassessment without Attendance status Student?
- What constitutes 'documentary evidence'?
- What are the financial implications of becoming a Reassessment without Attendance status Student?
- What are my responsibilities when undertaking assessment?
- My tutor knows about my extenuating circumstances. Do I still need to submit the form?
- I would like to transfer to a different course from the one I am registered on. Is this possible?
- I would like to provide feedback on the examinations process. Who should I send this to?
- I want to take a break from my studies, what do I need to do?
- I want to make changes to the modules I have chosen what do I do?
- I have decided that I want to leave my course. What do I need to do
- I want to apply for a student railcard, but am over the age of 26, what do I need to do?
- I need a letter to open a student bank account. Where can I get this from?
- I need a letter confirming that I am a student at the University
- I'm not happy with my feedback, what do I do?
- I have received my replacement certificate but some of the information on it is incorrect – what should I do?
- I have not received my certificate pack, can you tell me why this might be?
- I have more questions – who should I contact?
- I have lost my DBS but need this for my placement. Can I get another copy from the University?
- I have been unable to submit my assignment or attend my exam, what shall I do?
- I have a query about my Student Loan who do I contact?
- I have an exam today but I am ill and cannot attend, what should I do?
- I have an exam next week but I have broken my arm and I can't write, what should I do?
- I have an appointment during my taught sessions, what do I need to do?
- I graduated this year, when am I likely to receive my Certificate?
- I don't know my marks and would like a transcript, what do I do?
- I cannot find my Council Tax Exemption certificate, can I get a new one?
- I am unable to attend my timetabled sessions or placement, who do I need to tell?
- I'm in debt to the University. Can I still get a replacement certificate?
- I will be a new student in September, where can I find information about my course and timetable for my first week?
- I'm graduating this year and need to book my QTS Skills Tests. What should I do?
- I am applying for jobs and need a reference what do I do?
- Can an international student take exams in their home country?
- I haven't received an e-mail about registering online. What do I do?
- What certification will I get after completing my course?
- How will I receive my results?
- How will I know when I can return to my studies?
- How will I find out if I have reassessment?
- Am I still a student at the university?
- Can Reassessment without Attendance students get Council Tax exemption?
- Can I attend my course if I am appealing?
- Can I get a replacement certificate with another name?
- Can my friend collect my assignment on my behalf?
- Can the replacement certificate be posted overseas?
- Where can I learn about the University's Malpractice Procedures?
- Can I update my personal details like address or surname?
- How do I find out my Teacher Reference number (TRN)?
- How do I get my provisional marks back?
- How do I request a replacement certificate?
- How do I submit an appeal?
- How is an appeal different to a complaint?
- How long will my Reassessment without Attendance status last?
- How will I be informed when my work is ready for pickup?
- How will I find out details about my Placement?
- Assessment Boards