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To help you in your dissertation or research project, we have collated a list of the tools, software packages and platforms that will help you gather, organise and analyse your findings.

These digital tools below will enable you to:

  • Collect data using surveys or interviews
  • Conduct sophisticated analysis of quantitative or qualitative research data
  • Keep track of your literature and create bibliographies
  • Surveys

    Below are our recommended platforms that can be used to design and distribute surveys as part of your dissertation research. 

    SoftwareDetailsAvailable fromHelp and support
    JISC Online Surveys

    JISC Online Surveys allow you to develop, deploy and analyse online surveys. Surveys are easy to set up and offer a variety of question formats and presentation options. In addition the tool also provides useful analysis features and further export options for manipulation in Excel.

    This service is available to all postgraduate and final year undergraduate students subject to approval from your academic supervisor. Your supervisor will need to complete a form to arrange your account set-up.

    JISC Online Surveys Help

    Survey Monkey

    The web's most well known survey tool. Create a simple survey with a maximum of 10 questions for free. Note the free version has a cap at 40 respondants. Additional, more advanced functionality is available with a subscription.

    Access basic level for free at

    SurveyMonkey Help 

    SurveyMonkey Essential Training

    Microsoft Forms All staff and students have access to Microsoft Forms through their Office365 account. Microsoft Forms are really easy to use and are great for taking simple surveys or polls online. 

    Forms can be found by clicking on the 9-dots menu icon (top left) of and Office 365 product (Outlook email, OneDrive, Teams, Word, etc.) when working in a web browser. 

    Microsoft Forms

  • Conducting and Recording Interviews

    Conduct interviews and focus groups online and create transcripts using the tools below.

    SoftwareDetailsAvailable fromHelp and support
    Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams can be used to schedule and record 1-1 interviews and focus groups. Create calendar invites for your attendees, record the meetings (find support here) and make use of the closed caption function to create transcripts.

    Available with the Office 365 package that's available to you for free as a student. See Free Office for download instructions or use Microsoft Teams on the web.

    Microsoft Teams

    Voice to text app that be used to record interviews and generate transcriptions which can be exported as Word or Text files. can be installed on your phone or in your internet browser 

    Free online or via your app store Help Pages


  • Data Analysis

    SAGE Research Methods contains a wide range of resources on both quantitative and qualitative data analysis from introductory to advanced level. Search for your methodology, data collection tool or statistical test for guidance on how to conduct your research effectively and make sense of your findings. 

    Your supervisor is best placed to direct you on the kinds of analysis you need to perform to suit your research needs. If you are struggling to complete something specifically in relation to your research, contact them to arrange a tutorial.

    We have made the following statistical analysis software available for you to use in your studies and research projects:

    SoftwareUsed forAvailable fromHelp and support

    NVivo is a software program used for qualitative and mixed-methods research. Specifically, it is used for the analysis of unstructured text, audio, video, and image data, including (but not limited to) interviews, focus groups, surveys, social media, and journal articles. 

    NVivo is available to use directly via the Student Remote Desktop. Remember to save all of your work prior to exiting the Remote Desktop service.  

    Contact the IT Servicedesk in the first instance who will send you the necessary information.

    Phone: 01228 888888
    Online: IT Service Desk Portal

    NVivo Essential Training 

    Learn NVivo: The Basics


    ATLAS.ti is used for the qualitative analysis of large bodies of textual, visual and audio data. Tools help you develop data coding systems and present your findings in innovative ways.

    ATLAS.ti is available to use directly via the Student Remote Desktop. Remember to save all of your work prior to exiting the Remote Desktop service. 

    Or you can install it, see Free Software for details

    Contact the IT Servicedesk in the first instance who will send you the necessary information.

    Phone: 01228 888888
    Online: IT Service Desk Portal

    Tutorials on the ATLAS.ti Youtube channel

    Friese, S. (2014) Qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti. London: SAGE.

    SPSS SPSS is used for quantitative data analysis and has an interface that closely resembles Excel. It allows you to perform statistical analysis and tests for survey or experimental data in order to make sense of your research findings.

    Available as a free download for UoC students. Please contact the IT Servicedesk in the first instance who will send you the necessary information.

    Phone: 01228 888888
    Email: (using your student email account)
    Online: IT Service Desk Portal

    SPSS Statistics: Essential Training

    SPSS for Academic Research

  • Managing literature

    SoftwareUsed forAvailable fromHelp and support

    Refworks is an online reference management system that allows you to collate reading material and reference information from a range of databases in a single placeYou can organise literature into folders, generate bibliographies in Cite them Right format as well as use the Reference Citation Manager to cite sources as you write.

    Select option to 'Login from my institution' and sign in with your university account.

    Getting Started with Refworks

    Refworks video tutorials

    Managing your citations


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