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Reassessment without Attendance status arises when students without sufficient credit to progress on course will, at a progression point, be classified as a Reassessment without Attendance student by the relevant Assessment Board where the outstanding credit is deferred assessment assessment (usually due to valid Extenuating Circumstances) or reassessment. 

Your Statement of Results shows the recommendations from the board in relation to your modules.

Reassessment without Attendance

If it notes that you will undertake a deferred assessment or reassessment as a Reassessment without Attendance this means you have insufficient credit to progress to the next level of your course.  This is usually because you have a number of outstanding reassessments due to failure or ourstanding submissions in modules that take you above the permitted credit limits.

Formal study is suspended for up to twelve months and you will be expected to undertake reassessment in the failed modules. Students will continue to have access to Support Services, including library, IT and academic skills support. An Assessment Contract will be completed for those that have over 40 credits to complete.

This contract is to agree requirements for attendance at taught sessions and tutorials and any actions you are required to take. Once results have been confirmed by the University Assessment Board and released to you, you will be contacted by your course team to make an appointment to discuss and agree your Assessment Contract.

If you are funded by a different organisation or have any questions regarding the funding implications, please seek advice from your funding organisation or the University Student Money Advisers by visiting the Student Enquiry Point.

If you have modules in reassessment alongside retake modules, unless specified by an assessment contract you may not be expected to attend taught sessions for reassessment. You will continue to have access to Support Services, including library, IT and academic skills support. If appropriate an Assessment Contract will be completed,for those that have over 40 credits to complete, to agree if there are requirements for attendance at taught sessions and tutorials and any actions you are required to take.

Once results have been confirmed by the University Assessment Board and released to you, you will be contacted by your course team to make an appointment to discuss and agree your Assessment Contract and the scheduling of your retake modules.

The Academic Regulations state how much outstanding credit (due to failure in or retake modules) can be carried by a student from one level of study to the next. Further information on this can also be found in our Progression and Reassessment section.



  • How much outstanding credit would result in me becoming Reassessment without Attendance status student or Part time student?

    You will be Reassessment without attendance if:

    If you are a Year 0 (Level 3) student you must successfully complete 100 credits at level 3 before progressing to level 4. Therefore, if you are a level 3 student at progression point with any outstanding reassessment you will be classified as a Reassessment without Attendance status student.

    If you are a Year 1 (Level 4) student who has reassessment in over 20 credits, you will not be allowed to commence study in year 2 (level 5) until you have submitted the reassessment and passed the modules and will, therefore, be classified as a ‘Reassessment without Attendance’ status student.

    If you are a Year 1 (Level 5) student who has reassessment in over 20 credits, you will not be allowed to commence study in year 3 (level 6) until you have submitted the reassessment and passed the modules and will, therefore, be classified as a ‘Reassessment without Attendance’ status student.

  • How will I be notified that I am a Reassessment without Attendance or Part-time status student?

    You will be notified by  email once your results have been confirmed by the University Assessment Board.  You will also be emailed a transcript of results and the information will be available in the Student Portal (ICON).

  • How long will I be a Reassessment without Attendance

    If you become a Reassessment without Attendance or Part-time status student it is expected your formal study will be suspended for up to 12 months.

    During this time you will continue to have access to library, IT facilities and academic skills support and you may be expected to attend some classes and tutorials during this period.

  • What contact will I have with the university while I am Reassessment without attendance?

    For Reassessment without attendance status where you are undertaking deferred assessment or reassessment, you will still have access to library and IT facilities and the Academic Skills Service and you are strongly advised to maintain contact with your personal tutor and relevant module tutors during this period.

  • What if I have an examination as part of my outstanding reassessment?

    Your programme/course team will contact you, following the formal release of results, to complete an Assessment Contract.

    This contract will outline any requirements for attendance at taught sessions or tutorials and any action that you need to take, e.g. seeking support and guidance from. The contract may also outline a reassessment strategy of staggered submission deadlines to give you a realistic workload of reassessment and clear targets to work towards.

  • How will I know when I can return to my studies?

    You will be contacted by a representative from Student and Academic Administration Service (SAAS) approximately 8 weeks prior to your expected return date.

    Students on some professional programmes will not be allowed to return to their course if they are not DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service, formerly the CRB) and medically cleared (you may also need to undertake any other clearances which are required at that point in time prior to returning to your course and may need to pay to undertake these). If you are in this situation you may need to take a further period of time out from your course subject to clearance requirements.

  • What are the financial implications of me becoming a Reassessment without Attendance?

    For Reassessment without attendance students :

    If you are completing assessments that you are required to resit or resubmit, because you have already attended the taught sessions or learning, you will not be charged tuition fees.  You will not be eligible for student loans and grants/bursaries because you are not in-attendance during this period.  You continue to be considered as a full-time student for student funding and Council Tax purposes and have not withdrawn from your course, therefore you cannot normally claim benefits and will be expected to find full or part time employment to subsidise your income during this period of reassessment without attendance.
    A Student Money Adviser can provide additional support with this.

  • As a Reassessment without Attendance or Part-time status student am I still entitled to Council Tax exemption?

    You continue to be eligible for Council Tax exemption as long as you remain enrolled on a full time course and intend to return to your studies.

  • What if I need help with funding issues?

    As the classification of Reassessment without Attendance or part-time status student is sometimes confusing to funding organisations and the benefits office, the Student Money Advisers can guide you through the process and speak to these organisations on your behalf.  Contact the Money Advice Service here.

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