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Please read this information carefully in conjunction with your Statement of Results that has been emailed to you and is also available in the ‘My Course’ page in ICON. Please refer to the Academic Regulations.

  • IMPORTANT!: Reassessment

    If you have failed a module(s), this is shown as a grade of F on your Statement of Results sent to you by email or on the ICON. You will also find the requirements for reassessment there. 

    The maximum mark recordable for a module successfully passed on reassessment is 40% (50% for postgraduate). 

    All programmes (postgraduate and undergraduate) allow only one opportuniuty of reassessment.


    All work must be submitted the date and time as specified by the module tutor, and in the format set out in the Assignment brief 

    Please note that the 3 day late submission rule does not apply to reassessment.

    If you do not submit for reassessment then you will not be offered the opportunity for a retake module.

    If you have an exam as part of your reassessment this will take place at the campus/site where you are registered and details of any resit examinations will be sent to you by email. The exam period is fixed and no alternative arrangements will be made.

  • Coursework titles for reassessment

    As part of your reassessment you may need to complete the coursework to a new title. These new titles can be found in Reassessment Papers, which appear in sections based on when the original assessment was due and are listed by module code.

    If you have any difficulties finding your reassessment title, please contact your course/module tutor.

  • What is my reassessment entitlement?

    For undergraduates, when a module has been failed with a mark of usually less than 40%, (unless specified otherwise in the validation of the programme) reassessment will be offered in the failed element(s) for a capped mark.

    Unless prohibited by a professional body or specific validation, the regulations allow one opportunity of reassessment in every module, with the potential to be considered for a retake of the module following confirmed failure. However, you should be aware that if you fail to submit for a reassessment, you will forfeit your right to the offer of a retake module which could result discontinuation on programme. There are maximum limits for the number of credits offered as retake modules at level 5 and 6. 

    For postgraduates, when a module has been failed with a mark of usually less than 50%, (unless specified otherwise in the validation of the programme) reassessment will be offered in the failed element(s).

    Reassessment at postgraduate level is limited to one reassessment opportunity. On New regulations only, retake modules can be offered up to the full credits of the target award.

  • What happens if I don't submit for my reassessment?

    If you do not submit a reassessment, you will forfeit your right to be considered for Retake module opportunity. This means you will have a confirmed failure in that module.

    Further information on what is meant by a confirmed failure can be found further down this page.


  • Is there a limit to the number of modules I can have reassessment in?

    There is no limit to the number of modules you can have in reassessment in an academic year however there will be implications for progression and continuation.

    • Students cannot progress to Level 5 if still undertaking reassessment for level 3 modules.
    • Students cannot progress to Level 6 if still undertaking reassessment for level 4 modules

    There are limits to the number of Retake modules that can be undertaken

    • Up to 120 credits can be undertaken as retake modules at level 3 and Level 4
    • There is a maximum of 120 credits that can be undertaken as retake modules across  level 5 and Level 6 of study.
    • Up to the full level of credits can be undertaken aa retake modules in level 7.
  • What does it mean when I have a 'Confirmed Failure' in the module?

    A confirmed failure (CF) is a failure of a module that cannot be recovered. This means that there are no more opportunities of reassessment available to you.

    This could either be because:

        • Reassessment opportunities have been exhausted
        • Non-submission at first reassessment therefore forfeit the right to a retake module opportunity
        • A decision of the Malpractice Panel or Disipinarly procedures. 

    A confirmed failure can mean different things depending on what stage of the course you are at and the regulations you have agreed to:

        • At Level 3 this could result in discontinuation from the course
        • At Level 4 this could result in discontinuation from the course.
        • At Level 5, 20 credits of confirmed failure could result in progression to Level 6 for a maximum award of an Ordinary degree (without honours). More than 20 credits of confirmed failure could lead to discontinuation from the course.
        • At Level 6, less than 60 credits of confirmed failure may lead to you being awarded an Ordinary degree. More than 60 credits may lead to discontinuation with no award, or an exit award if one is available on your course of study.
        • At postgraduate level this may lead to discontinuation from the course, however you could leave with an exit award if you have the necessary credit and if one is available on your course of study.

    Students on professional courses i.e. nursing/midwifery/radiography/occupational therapy and social work are not permitted to continue on course with confirmed fails in any modules. Students who have confirmed fails will be discontinued from their course of study and may be eligible for an exit  award if enough credits have been attained.

    There are some restrictions to the offer of retake modules on some validated programmes which may need confirmation of funding or to revisit the application process and sign off before commencement 

  • I failed a module but it has been compensated - what does this mean?

    If the failure is only by a small margin. This means the mark achieved is retained, but credit is awarded.

    If CP appears next to a mark in the Confirmed Grade column in your Statement of Results this signifies that the mark has been compensated by the University Assessment Board.

    Compensation  can take place for marks between 35% and 39% (for undergraduate) and 45% and 49% (for postgraduate programmes) for modules that are not core or for which professional body requirements do not prohibit compensation. 

    The marks achieved in a  compensated module are not altered and for classified undergraduate degrees at level 5 and level 6 marks will carry forward to any classification calculation (level 4 and level 5 for foundation degrees and target DipHE awards).

    If a student has not exhausted all the reassessment opportunities for that module, provided that they have submitted for reassessment, it may be that compensation will be offered.

    There is a compensation  limit of 20 credits per 120 credits at each level and does not apply to 30 credit modules. Compensation  may not be possible in certain programmes such as the Health & Wellbeing ‘continuing and professional development’ framework.

  • Following amendments to valdiation;

    In line with Professional Body requirements  and amendment to validation some programmes will have 2 reassessment opportunities available to them and will not be offered the retake opportunity. Please check the validation of your programme.

  • What is my reassessment entitlement?

    For undergraduates, when a module has been failed with a mark of usually less than 40%, (unless specified otherwise in the validation of the programme) reassessment will be offered in the failed element(s).

    Regulations permit one opportunity of reassessment and one opportunity to retake the module if permitted by the validation.

    If you do not submit for reassessment then you will not be offered the opportunity for a retake module.

    For postgraduates, when a module has been failed with a mark of usually less than 50%, (unless specified otherwise in the validation of the programme) reassessment will be offered in the failed element(s).

    Reassessment at postgraduate level is limited to one reassessment opportunity, however, retake modules can be offered up to the full credits of the target award.

  • What is the maximum mark I can achieve if I've had reassessment in a module?

    At undergraduate level all reassessed modules will usually be capped at 40%.

    For postgraduates the maximum mark is capped at 50%.

    If the module is assessed by more than one element, the marks for reassessment of that element will also be capped at 40% unless specified by the validation or by professional body requirements.  The mark for the element will be aggregated to any original passed elements.

    The capped pass mark is the maximum that can be achieved for modules with any element in reassessment.

  • How will I find out if I have outstanding assessment or reassessments?

    Following the university assessment board you will receive a emailed statement of results transcript. On this your modules will be listed with their outcome and recommendations from the board.This information will also show on ICON. 

    If this board takes place at your annual progression point then there are limits to the number of credits that can be carried into your next year of study. For more details on this, please see the progression information.

    Deferred assessment or deferred reassessment

    • If you have a deferred Assessment or deferred reassessment, possibly due to a valid Extenuating Circumstance (EC) claim. This will be noted on your transcript as “EC (Valid) Void mark..”.
    • If your EC has been deemed valid the recommendation will a recommendation for you to action and the date of the submission. Please see Extenuating circumstances and appeals section for more information on these processes. 
    • If you have attempted the assessment and received a mark, this mark will be voided and you will be given the opportunity to have a further attempt. If then mark you have achieved is a pass mark and you wish to accept the mark and not have a further submission opportunity then you must inform by email from your student account within 10 working days of receiving your transcript or results.
    • If you have an exam as part of your deferred assessment this will take place at the campus/site where you are registered and details of any such exams will be emailed to you. The exam period is fixed and no alternative arrangements will be made.
    • Remember to check your submission deadline date carefully and if you need support do make sure you seek this as soon as possible to give yourself the best chance of success. Please do not leave assessment preparation to the last minute. Please do not leave assessment preparation to the last minute. Find information on available Student Support.


    • If you have a Reassessment this will be noted on your transcript. There will be an F grade next to your module and recommendation for you to action and a date of submission. IF YOU DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THE REASSESSMENT YOU WLL FORFIET THE RIGHT TO THE OFFER OF A RETAKE MODULE AND MAY BE DISONTINUED FROM PROGRAMME 
    • The recommendation may note that you are expected to complete and assessment contract with the course team. This will be if you have over 40 credits in reassessment.
    • The number of credits you have in reassessment at your progression point may prohibit you from progressing to the next level of your study. Please see Progression for more information.
    • The number of credits you have in reassessment at your progression point may prohibit you from progressing to the next level of your study. Please see Progression for more information. If you are prevented from progressing your transcript, will note that you will be in the status of Reassessment without Attendance and you will complete your reassessment and not attend for the next academic year.
    • If you have an exam as part of your deferred assessment this will take place at the campus/site where you are registered and details of any such exams will be emailed to you. The exam period is fixed and no alternative arrangements will be made.
    • Please note that the 3 day late submission rule does not apply to reassessment.

    Remember to check your submission deadline date carefully and if you need support do make sure you seek this as soon as possible to give yourself the best chance of success. Please do not leave assessment preparation to the last minute. Please do not leave assessment preparation to the last minute. Find information on available Student Support.

  • What does it mean when I have a 'Confirmed Failure' in the module?

    A confirmed failure (CF) is a failure of a module that cannot be recovered. This means that there are no more opportunities of reassessment available to you.

    This could either be because:

        • Reassessment opportunities have been exhausted
        • A decision of the Malpractice Panel

    Retaking a module means that you will complete the module(s) in full so you will need to attend all sessions, undertake all study and assessment in relation to the module(s). As you will be taking this module again completely, marks achieved for initial assessment will not be capped as this is not a further reassessment attempt.

    There are some restrictions to the offering of retake module according to validation of specific programmes or inline with the Professional Body requirements

    A confirmed failure can mean different things depending on what stage of the course you are at and the regulations you have agreed to:

    At Level 3

        • At Level 3 you can be offered a maximum of 120 credits as retake modules as one further attempt. If there is more than 20 credits outstanding, you will not be permitted to progress in to level 4. You will be permitted to undertake these retake modules in part time status in the following year. You will be expected to undertake the study again and there will be a fee which will be confirmed by the fees and billing team when you reregister. You must be aware of the financial implications of this on your accessibility to funding and the implications for any accommodation contracts you may be considering for the following year.
        • If your confirmed fail is for a module that you have retaken at Level 3 this could result in discontinuation from the course.

     At Level 4

        • At Level 4 you can be offered a maximum of 20 credits as a retake module to be undertaken alongside your Level 5 credits in the following year, if it can be scheduled alongside your Level 5 timetable. (if not it may preclude you from progressing to Level 4 until it has been completed) You will not be permitted to progress in to level 5 if you have more than 20 credits outstanding in either retake module or deferred assessment /Reassessment.
        • At Level 4 you can be offered a maximum of 120 credits as retake modules as one further attempt. As there may be more than 20 credits outstanding, you will not be permitted to progress in to level 5. You will be permitted to undertake retake modules in part time status in the following year. You will be expected to undertake the study again and there will be a fee which will be confirmed by the fees and billing team when you reregister. You must be aware of the financial implications of this on your accessibility to funding and the implications for any accommodation contracts you may be considering for the following year.
        • If the confirmed fail is for a module that you have retaken at L4 this could result in discontinuation from the course.

     At Level 5

        • At Level 5, 20 credits of confirmed failure could result in progression to Level 6 for a maximum award of an Ordinary degree (without honours). More than 20 credits of confirmed failure could lead to discontinuation from the course.
        • At Level 5 you can be offered a maximum of 20 credits as a retake module to be undertaken alongside your Level 6 credits in the following year, if it can be scheduled alongside your Level 6 timetable. (if not it may preclude you from progressing to Level 6 until is has been completed) You will not be permitted to progress in to level 6 if you have more than 20 credits outstanding in either retake module or deferred assessment /Reassessment
        • Over Levels 5/6 you can be offered a maximum of 120 credits as retake modules as one further attempt across the two levels. If there are more than 20 credits outstanding, at level 5, you will not be permitted to progress in to level 6. You will be permitted to undertake  retake modules in part time status in the following year. You will be expected to undertake the study again and there will be a fee which will be confirmed by the fees and billing team when you reregister. You must be aware of the financial implications of this on your accessibility to funding and the implications for any accommodation contracts you may be considering for the following year.
        • The number of credits retaken at Level 5 will reduce the number available for retake at Level 6. For example, if you retake 120 credits at Level 5 you will not be offered any further retake modules at level 6
        • If your confirmed fail is for a module that you have retaken at L5 this could result in discontinuation from the course OR if permitted by the validation of your programme could result in progression to Level 6 for a maximum award of an Ordinary degree (without honours). More than 20 credits of confirmed failure could lead to discontinuation from the course.


     At Level 6

        • At Level 6, if you have not reached maximum number of credits permitted as retake modules over level 5 and 6, then you will be permitted to undertake  retake modules in part-time status in the following year. There will be a fee which will be confirmed by the fees and billing team when you reregister. You must be aware of the financial implications of this on your accessibility to funding and the implications for any accommodation contracts you may be considering for the following year.
        • At Level 6, provided you have successfully completed all Level 5 study, if you have less than 60 credits of confirmed failure of retake modules you may be awarded an Ordinary degree. More than 60 credits may lead to discontinuation with no award, or an exit award if one is available on your course of study.

     At Level 7

        • At postgraduate Level you can be offered the maximum credits for the award as a retake modules. There will be a fee which will be confirmed by the fees and billing team when you reregister. You must be aware of the financial implications of this on your accessibility to funding and the implications.
        • At postgraduate level this may lead to discontinuation from the course, however you could leave with an exit award if you have the necessary credit and if one is available on your course of study.

    Students on professional courses i.e. nursing/midwifery/radiography/occupational therapy and social work are not permitted to continue on course with confirmed fails in any qualificatory modules. Students who have confirmed fails within this type of module will be discontinued from their course of study and may be eligible for an exit award if enough credits have been attained.

  • I failed a module but it has been compensated - what does this mean?

    If the failure is only by a small margin. This means the mark achieved is retained, but credit is awarded.

    If CP appears next to a mark in the Confirmed Grade column in your Statement of Results this signifies that the mark has been compensated by the University Assessment Board.

    Compensation can take place for marks between 35% and 39% (for undergraduate) and 45% and 49% (for postgraduate programmes) for modules that are not core or for which professional body requirements do not prohibit compensation.

    The marks achieved in a compensated module are not altered and for classified undergraduate degrees at level 5 and level 6 marks will carry forward to any classification calculation (level 4 and level 5 for foundation degrees and target DipHE awards).

    If a student has not exhausted all the reassessment opportunities for that module, provided that they have submitted for reassessment, it may be that condonation will be offered.

    Compensation can be considered for a Maximum of 40 credits at Level 3 and Level 4 and 20 credits at Level 5, Level 6 and Level 7. Compensation may not be possible in certain programmes such as the Health & Wellbeing ‘continuing and professional development’ framework and may be restricted by validation or professional body requirements.

  • Resit/deferred placements (Education students)

    Any Education student who has been notified that they have either a deferred or resit placement should view information here. Resit placements may incur a financial cost.

  • Queries

    If you have any queries about your reassessment position after reading this information, please consult your Course Tutor or the Assessment Team.

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