All modules (apart from dissertations and theses) are moderated through a representative sample of student work (i.e. a sample of all grades) being moderated by a second marker. The second marker may see the first marker’s comments on student work and will have sight of the actual mark given. The second marker marks the work using the same assessment criteria and marking scheme and if the two marks are within the same grade band (eg A, B, C etc) the first mark stands.
In the unusual situation where marks given by the first and second marker are within different grade bands, a third marker is used and the final mark will be that which is closest to the third marker’s mark.
Dissertations and theses are blind double marked. In these cases, student work is blind marked independently by a second marker who sees neither the mark nor the feedback comments from the first marker. The two markers then agree the final provisional mark ensuring to the consistent application of the marking criteria across the student group.
In the unusual situation where a mark cannot be agreed by the two markers, a third marker will be brought in (as detailed above).
In all cases, student feedback (comments) is only provided by the first marker and at this point, the provisional mark is given to students.