A Malpractice Panel of Inquiry is a formal process where you are invited to a meeting via teams in order to discuss the circumstances surrounding the suspected malpractice.
You are permitted to bring someone with you to the meeting for support. This person will normally be a member of the University, for example, a fellow student. You can also request support from a Students’ Union Advisor who can accompany you at the panel. If you do not attend, the decision may be made in your absence.
The panel is made up of two academic members of staff who are independent and therefore objective. This means that they have not previously been involved with the setting of the assessment or the marking for the piece of work which you have submitted. There will also be a secretary to the panel from Assessment & Awards Team who will take the notes of the meeting and advise on procedural/regulatory matters.
You will be asked to respond to the allegation of malpractice and to either accept that malpractice has occurred or to contest the claim. The relevant Programme Leader (or their representative) may also be asked to attend the meeting if it is deemed necessary by the panel and particularly where there may be an issue relating to Fitness_to_Practice_Policy.
You will be asked a series of questions by the panel members in order to ascertain if malpractice has occurred. You will also be given the opportunity to ask questions.
The meeting will end after the panel has deliberated and agreed upon a recommendation to the Module Confirmation Board (MCB). The secretary will explain the procedures that follow this meeting and this will also be communicated to you formally in writing.
If it is deemed necessary, the panel have the right to request either a viva or exam conditions test to examine your knowledge of the assessment item in question. If the panel decide it is appropriate to ask for a viva or exam conditions test to be undertaken the outcome of this activity will be fed back to the malpractice panel in order for them to make a final decision in the case.
For more information see the Notes for students attending a Malpractice panel