Marks remain provisional until they have been confirmed through the two tier assessment board process. Once marks have been confirmed they will be displayed on the ‘Your Course’ section of ICON.
Assessment Boards
Note: This information replaces the previous Assessment Boards - MAB (Module Assessment Board) and UAB (University Assessment Board).
The Module Confirmation Board (MCB) considers module marks which are then presented to a University Progression and Award Board (UPAB) where decisions about student progress and awards are taken.
The Quality Enhancement Board (QEB) looks at patterns in mark profiles across modules, for example they may identify where a module has a very high average mark, or where a significant number of students may have failed a module and they ensure that appropriate actions are taken to address any issues.
For continuing students, the UPAB determines whether students have met the requirements for progression to the next level of study .
For completing students, it determines the award outcome, including classification (if appropriate).
Further information on classification of awards and grade boundaries can be found in the Academic Regulations. Explanations of award titles, including exit awards, can be found in your programme handbook.