If you become pregnant, you should let your Academic Department know as soon as possible. The University can only make provision for you if you let them know you are pregnant. Whilst your Personal Tutor, Programme Leader or postgraduate Supervisor would normally be the first point of contact, you can initially choose to speak to another member of staff with whom you feel more comfortable.
However, students should note that the Personal Tutor, Programme Leader or Supervisor will require to be informed. This is in the student's best interest as, in the event of an examination or other compulsory component being missed and you being unable/unwilling to provide evidence (e.g. because it is of a confidential nature).
There are a number of implications relating to your studies which include:
- Health and safety at university
- Potential interuption to, or postponement, of studies
- Risk assessments in relation to placements and field trips
- Returning from a maternity absence
- Financial considerations
- Accommodation
- Breast/chestfeeding and expressing facilities
Advice for Pregnant Students
This advice is intended to complement any other advice you may have received.
General Advice
- Follow any advice you have been given by your doctor or midwife.
- Avoid lifting and carrying heavy loads
- Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time – don‟t be afraid to leave a lecture half way through if you feel uncomfortable
- Avoid exposure to infectious diseases
- Avoid exposure to lead
- Be aware of stress - if you are feeling stressed from the pressures of university work be sure to mention this to your tutor / health worker
- If you spend a lot of time using computers ensure that you maintain good posture - make sure that your chair is good quality, in good condition and that you can adjust the height of the seat and the lumbar support, avoid using computers for extended periods without a break (take at least 10 minutes break for every hour worked).
- Avoid exposure to radioactive material
- Do not smoke
- Avoid passive smoking
- Avoid alcohol
- Avoid working for long periods without a break
- Avoid excessively noisy areas