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Screening and Assessment 

Do you feel that you may have one of the following, but have had no previous diagnosis?

  • A specific learning difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia
  • Autism
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

The Disability Services Team offers a screening which can show indicators of these conditions via a screening tool and follow-up meeting to discuss the results. The meeting will include guidance as to your next steps. Please be aware that University-based screening does not constitute a formal diagnosis. 

The screening is open to all current students and is free of charge.

How do I access the service?

  1. Complete our Support Request Form: Support Request Form
  2. Download and complete this Screening form
  3. Email the completed form to:

What happens next?

Once we have received your screening form you will be invited to book a screening appointment with a Specialist Learning Advisor to discuss the results.

What are the benefits of being screened?  

If indicators of the above conditions are present, a key benefit is that it may allow you to access specialist study skills/study mentoring support.

Students on short courses and final year students: We can offer you up to 20 hours of study skills/study mentoring support.

Higher Level Apprentice students: We can offer you up to 30 hours of study skills/study mentoring support.

Students in receipt of student finance/self-financing for applicable courses: You may be referred for formal diagnostic assessment with an Educational Psychologist.

Please note that students who are referred for a formal diagnosis are expected to make a contribution to the cost of the assessment. As of the 1st of September 2024 students will be expected to contribute £174. You may be eligible for help with this cost via the Hardship fund and this will be discussed with you.

A formal assessment may enable you to access Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) which can fund support and equipment. For information on DSA please see: How to apply for DSA

Whilst you are pursuing formal assessment, we can offer up to 12 hours of study skills/study mentoring support.

Further information on SpLDs and non–linked University based suppliers may be found at the following websites:

British Dyslexia Association

The British Psychological Society

Patoss - the Professional Association for teachers of students with Specific Learning Difficulties

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