Group work involves essential skills in collaboration, communication and team-working which are invaluable in the workplace. To help you develop these skills, some of your modules may have assessments such as group presentations or reports. Group work can sometimes be challenging, but there are strategies to ensure group projects run smoothly:
Appoint a leader | The group leader has responsibility for moving the project forwards and keeps track of the group's progress. Discuss who should be leader with your group members. A good leader will be organised and allow everyone to participate in making decisions. They'll also seek solutions should the group encounter any problems. |
Exchange contacts | Ensure everyone has contact details for each member of the group. You might also consider setting up a group chat for the assignment or project where you can easily ask questions and give updates. |
Meet regularly | Arrange regular meetings to share progress. You can meet face-to-face or virtually in a video call. It's helpful if someone takes notes on what was discussed shares them with the group. |
Assign tasks | Break down a larger piece of work into smaller chunks and create a list of the individual tasks to complete. Divide these tasks between members so the workload is evenly distributed. |
Set deadlines | Agree task deadlines with the group and ensure you are all clear on what needs to be done by when. It can help to use project management techniques such as Ganntt charts that give you an overview of task deadlines to help you see how a project will come together. |
Tackle issues early |
Should disagreements or issues arise, it's best to address them sooner rather than later. A group meeting can be held to work through what's going wrong. If you're struggling with your tasks, do tell the other members. It may be that the work can be given to someone else or another solution can found, without having any negative impact on your group's work. |