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Where will my certificate pack be sent to?

What are the financial implications of becoming a Reassessment without Attendance status Student?

I have received my replacement certificate but some of the information on it is incorrect – what should I do?

Can I get a replacement certificate with another name?

If you need help or advice, you can use the links on the left hand side, or please check our Frequently Asked Questions below for advice and guidance. If you have a question that is not covered, please Contact Us.

Extenuating Circumstances FAQs 
Appeals FAQs
Malpractice FAQs 
Part-Time Deferred Student Status FAQs
Progression FAQs
Reassessment FAQsCertificates and Transcripts FAQs



Extenuating Circumstances FAQs

When do I need to submit my Extenuating Circumstances claim?

My tutor knows about my extenuating circumstances. Do I still need to submit the form?

What happens if I don't fill in the form in full or don't provide evidence?

What constitutes 'documentary evidence'?

What happens if I don't make a valid claim?

What happens to my claim in the Assessment Board?

When will I be informed of the outcome of my EC claim?

What will happen as a result of a valid claim?

Where can I find help and more information on ECs?

Appeals FAQs

When can I appeal?

How do I submit an appeal?

Can I attend my course if I am appealing?

How is an appeal different to a complaint?

Where can I get support with submitting an appeal?

What do I need to consider when submitting an appeal on grounds of Extenuating Circumstances?

What constitutes 'documentary evidence'?

What happens if I don't fill in the form in full or don't provide documentary evidence?

Where can I get help with funding issues?


Malpractice FAQs

What will happen if I am suspected of Malpractice?

What happens at a Major Malpractice Panel of Inquiry? 

How can I find out more about the University's Malpractice Processes?

What is Turnitin?

What is Intellectual Ownership?

What are my responsibilities when undertaking assessment?

What help is available to ensure I follow good practice while undertaking assessment?


Part-Time Deferred Student Status FAQs

How much outstanding credit would result in me becoming a Part-Time Deferred student?

How will I be notified that I am a Part-Time Deferred student?

How long will I be a Part-Time Deferred student? 

Am I still a student at the university? 

What contact will I have with the university while I am a Part-Time Deferred student?

What if I have an examination as part of my outstanding reassessment? 

How will I know when I can return to my studies?

What are the financial implications of me becoming a Part-Time Deferred student?

As a Part-Time Deferred student am I still entitled to Council Tax exemption?

What if I need help with funding issues?


Progression FAQs

How do I progress from Level 4 to Level 5?

How do I progress from Level 5 to Level 6? 

What happens if I don't have enough credits to progress? 


Reassessment FAQs

What is my reassessment entitlement?

What is the maximum mark I can achieve if I've had reassessment in a module?

What happens if I don't submit for my first reassessment?

How will I find out if I have reassessment? 

Is there a limit to the number of modules I can have reassessment in? 

What does it mean when I have a 'Confirmed Failure' in the module? 

I failed a module but it has been condoned. What does this mean? 


Certificates and Transcripts FAQs

I am about to complete my course, what certification will I receive?

When will this be sent to me?

Where will my certificate pack be sent to? 

I have not received my certificate pack

How do I request a replacement certificate?

Can the replacement certificate be posted overseas? 

Can I get a replacement certificate with another name? 

I am in debt to the University – can I still obtain a replacement certificate?

I received my replacement certificate but some of the information is incorrect

I have more questions – who should I contact?

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