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OneSearch ,

OneSearch is the Library's main discovery tool, a search engine for most of our content: books, journals, articles, conference papers and videos. 
See the full list of Databases Indexed in OneSearch  to see what is included.

Use OneSearch like a traditional catalogue to find print or ebooks, make reservations and access your library account. Or, use it as a search engine to find relevant journal articles and wider research.

It is important to sign in every time you visit Onesearch. This allows you to check which books you have on loan, reserve books, create lists of favourite items, and export citations to Refworks.  Also, OneSearch doesn't include some collections in the results until you sign in, so you might be missing the most relevant results.




  • Using your library account

    If you have signed in your name will appear at the top right.  You will not be able to access the following functions until you have signed in.

    Set your PIN You will need this to use the self-issue machines in the library Video- Setting your PIN
    View your account Click on your name to see "My Account" and view which books you have out and any reservations  
    Make reservations Use the Request function to place reservations.  More on Requests. Video- Reserve a book
    Pin to your favourites Keep your own collection of useful books and articles by using the "Pin" icon by each item to add to your collection.  You can access your own collection from the big Pin at the top of the page.  
  • Searching OneSearch

    Make sure you have signed in (top right) otherwise you will miss some results and won't be able to save what you find.
    These two guides will take you through Basic searching (for books and quick article searching) and Advanced searching (search tips for more complex searching).  Also check out the videos and other resources below.

    Quick guide to basic searching in OneSearch 

    Printable version: Quick guide to OneSearch - basic print



    Quick guide to advanced searching in OneSearch 

    Printable version: Quick guide to OneSearch - advanced print



    Finding print books Use the Basic search and the default Books+.
    More about Books
    Video - Locating a print book
    Finding ebooks Use the Basic search and the default Books+.
    Then use the filter on the right-hand Tweak options to limit to "Available online".  More about ebooks.
    Video - Finding and exploring an ebook
    Finding videos Use the Books+ search and then limit to videos in Resource type on the right-hand Tweak/filter menu.  More about Media resources  
    Searching for journal articles

    Select Articles+ to search millions of full-text articles in one go.  More about Journals

    To get the full text click on 'Download pdf' or on 'View Issue Contents' for the whole journal issue. More about this function, and how you can also link to our content found in other places, can be found on  our Libkey page.

    Video - Searching for articles in OneSearch
    Advanced Search

    Improve your searching and get more relevant results using Advanced search.  See also the search tips below.

    Video - Advanced Search demo
    Expand your search OneSearch defaults to bringing you full-text (the resources we pay for access).  For dissertations and research projects you may want to search wider.  You can do this by running your search and then ticking the expand option. expand results,
    Journals A-Z Find this above the search box.  Use the Journals A-Z list to see if we hold a particular JOURNAL - not for searching for articles. Video - Journals A-Z
     See our Finding information page for more help on which sources you should be using for your assignments. 
  • Search tips

    Here we have outlined some of our favourite search tips. They are also available on this guide


    This Search tips video takes you through planning and combining these tips to run an effective search.

    Tip 1: Keywords
    To use Onesearch effectively think carefully about your keywords before you start. Avoid just typing in your assignment title.

    For example:

    Assignment title Critically examine the benefits of eating chocolate as part of a healthy diet
    Possible Keywords chocolate health benefits cocoa diet


    Tip 2: Phrase Searching
    Add quotation marks to find words next to each other, in that exact order. This helps to reduce the amount of results found.

                      "dark chocolate"

                      "health benefits"



    Tip 3: Boolean Operators
    Use Boolean Operators to combine keywords more effectively

    Boolean Operators, Diagram of Boolean Operators

    Tip 4: Truncation

    A star * at the root of the word finds all the various endings of the word

                       eg psych* will find psychology, psychologist, psychological etc.

    Tips 5: Filters or Tweak my Results options
    Use the filters to drill down your results further eg by date, peer review, subject headings etc


  • Get more help

    For further help with searching for information or using Onesearch please contact

    dl_email, orange cartoon of email icon Email OR use Student Enquiry Point
    appointments_icon, appointments_icon Teams appointments Make an appointment to see a Library and Academic Advisor
    dl_ask_a_librarian, orange question mark in an orange outlined speech bubble Ask a Librarian 24/7 chat Enter your question in the chat box on this link
    dl_other_libraries, orange cartoon of a book Libraries Ask at the library desks for help or use Student Enquiry Point 


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