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Welcome to the Librarylibraryatcumbria logo blue,

Our libraries offer you flexible, accessible and safe spaces. We want our library spaces to feel inclusive, welcoming and considerate of all members of our university community and we ask our users to check out the ways you can help us achieve this: Library Etiquette.

Our excellent range of digital and physical library resources support your learning. Reading also has many other benefits for wellbeing, wisdom and wider potential - please see our Reading for You scheme and get involved.

You are welcome to visit any of our libraries either to borrow resources, use study spaces or ask for assistance. You can ask us any questions about the library and wider student support by visiting us at the Student Enquiry Point located in the physical library and available virtually. We would also love to hear from you if you have any compliments, ideas, comments or suggestions, simply use our Library Loves Feedback online form. We are here for you. 

The Library & Learning Development Plan 2022/23 - 2024/25 outlines the ways in which we aim to be a library that is at the heart of the learning experience for our university and wider communities.