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Safeguarding and Prevent



Advice and guidance for staff, students and external bodies

Safeguarding (including Prevent) is everyone’s responsibility. On this page you will find the University’s Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Groups and Prevent Policy here along with details of Roles and Responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and Prevent.

You will find below, guidance on how to respond to safeguarding concerns; what to do if you receive a disclosure; what happens if you have an allegation made against you, and useful links to other University protocols including support for you. There is also useful information on definitions of abuse and signs of vulnerability and links to training.

  • Safeguarding & PREVENT Information for Students and Apprentices

    Please note:  

    This is NOT the information which outlines how to deal with an emergency situation.  If you have an emergency you should deal with it as such by calling 999, then report to the University via the StEP form.

    What is Safeguarding?

    Safeguarding is the process of protecting health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals – especially children, young people and vulnerable adults – to live free from abuse, harm and neglect, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or from being drawn into terrorism.”

    But that does this mean for you as a student/Higher Level Apprentice (HLA) at the University of Cumbria?

    When we are talking about Safeguarding and Prevent at the University of Cumbria whilst we do have some statutory Safeguarding responsibilities, we are really talking about encouraging you to share with us anything that might be impacting your wellbeing and ability to study with us and get the most from your time here.   Equally if you have serious concerns about a fellow student/HLA, you can seek advice from us on that situation. We know that as a student/Higher Level Apprentice with us things might have happened to you or being happening to you that you might need some support with. 

    What you can expect from us and what we expect from you:

    • We want to foster a supportive community of equals where we support and learn from each other
    • We will treat you fairly and with respect
    • We expect you to respect our staff and your peers and treat them fairly displaying mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths, beliefs and views to your own.
    • WE encourage freedom of speech and discussion of any concerns regarding extremism, events in the news and British Values

    We do not tolerate any actions which constitute:

    • A breach of the law
    • Harassment and bullying in any form be that: in person, in written or verbal form or via online/social media (Check out our Anti Harassment & Bullying Statement at: Anti-Harassment and Bullying) Bullying and harassment can include sexual harassment and abuse, domestic violence and coercive control.
    • Discrimination in any form

    You may have other things you want to contact us for support about that are (or might) impact your studies.

    These can include where:

    • You have been subjected to harassment, bullying, sexual assault, domestic violence
    • You have been subject to discrimination of any form
    • You are feeling at risk of self-harm or suicidal (if you feel very unwell you should call 999, the Samaritans on 116 123 or your GP or mental health team then report to us)
    • You need support for your mental health or you are aware your mental health is not good/has changed/your meds have changed/ you are hearing voices, are feeling depressed/are suffering paranoia or have a change in your mental health diagnosis
    • You think you may have a disability or specific learning difficulty
    • Your disability or physical health has changed
    • You have an eating disorder
    • You are having seizures or blackouts
    • You are being impacted by the behaviour of others in halls, or your private accommodation or in class/on placement
    • You have had an accident or are aware another student has
    • You become aware of a student death

    You can report concerns about another student especially if you think they are a risk to themselves or others or you think they may be vulnerable to exploitation by others including being radicalised.

    How can I report my concerns?

    to tell us about your concerns for you or for another student/HLA

    • If you wish to make a complaint about another student you can find information at: Student Complaints Procedure
    • If you are being bullied or harassed at work including by your peers, you should raise concerns via your work procedures, but if this is impacting your study our support services may be able to help. If the worker is a student/Higher Level Apprentice also there may be action available under our procedures.

    You must also tell us if:

    • You become ill with mumps, meningitis, etc.
    • Anything is happening that might affect your DBS if you are on a professional programme and if you are subject to any Police or Statutory body investigations and if e.g. you have been arrested.

    We would encourage you to register with a local GP as soon as possible if you have not already done so.

    We want to work with you as soon as possible so things don’t escalate.  Remember: if in doubt, check it out!

  • Safeguarding & PREVENT Training for Students and Apprentices

    A collection of elearning modules are available for students and apprentices covering:

    Prevent Training for HE Learners

    Equality and Diversity for Students



  • Emergency, Crisis or Risk of Immediate Harm

    In the event of an emergency situation, where any person is at risk of immediate harm, you should call 999 to get an emergency services response.

    Following emergency intervention, you should report the incident to the university via one of our Safeguarding Officers (see Safeguarding contacts at the University of Cumbria on this page).

  • How to recognise a Safeguarding or Prevent concern

    Early intervention is key to avoiding a crisis. We have lots of opportunities when we interact with staff and students to spot something is not quite right or something has changed and ask ourselves – is something going on here?

    The following document outlines how to notice, check, share, record and report any concerns you or others may have in relation to a student/HLA/staff member:

    How to recognise a Safeguarding or Prevent concern

    Additional signs/considerations when considering a safeguarding concern:

    Safeguarding Definitions

    Safeguarding Some Signs of Abuse

  • Reporting a Safeguarding/Prevent concern or Bullying/Harassment

    Report a safeguarding or Prevent concern using the Student Enquiry Point.

    Report bullying, harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct using You Report We Support.

  • Responding to a Safeguarding or Prevent concern

    How to respond to a safeguarding disclosure

    What if an external Safeguarding Agency contacts me

    The following flow chart outlines who to notify in relation to a safeguarding or Prevent concern:

    Reporting a safeguarding concern flow chart


    Contacts in relation to the flow chart above

    University of Cumbria

    See Safeguarding contacts at the University of Cumbria on this page

    Cumbria (Adults)

    Adult Safeguarding : Cumbria County Council (

    Cumbria (Children and Young Adults)

    Concerned about a child or young person? : Cumbria County Council (

    Cumbria Safeguarding Hub on 0333 240 1727

    Lancashire (Adults)

    Safeguarding adults - Lancashire County Council

    Lancashire (Children and Young Adults)

    Safeguarding children - Lancashire County Council

    Call 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722

    Tower Hamlets (Adults)

    Adults at risk of abuse or neglect (

    Tower Hamlets (Children and Young Adults)

    Child protection (

    Advice and assessment team 020 7364 5601 or 020 7364 5606

  • Safeguarding Policy and Procedure (including Prevent)

    This section presents the University's Safeguarding and Prevent policy which gives links to associated guidance and protocols including how to respond to and report a Safeguarding or Prevent concern about a student or member of staff at the University of Cumbria.

    Safeguarding Policy 24-25

    This is NOT the protocol which outlines how to deal with an emergency situation for example, where a student/staff member is declaring they are suicidal or a child or vulnerable adult is at immediate risk of harm. If there is an emergency you should deal with it as such by calling 999, then reporting to the University via a Safeguarding Officer (see Reporting Concerns and Contacts on this page).

  • Safeguarding contacts at the University of Cumbria

    If you have a concern you can speak to one of the university's trained Safeguarding Officers.

    Lead Safeguarding Officer (Strategic)

    Brian Webster-Henderson, DVC Health, Environment and Innovation 

    Lead Safeguarding Officer (Operational)

    Gail Howes, Head of Student Support, Student Services
    Contact:  01228 279516

    Principal Safeguarding Officers (PSOs) and Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs):

    Jayne Metcalfe Senior Lecturer
    Role: DSO, Institute of Education
    Contact: 01524 384483

    Kelly Powell Education Programmes Leader
    Role: DSO, Institute of Education
    Contact: 01524 384361

    Don Hall Senior Lecturer
    Role: PSO, Institute of Education
    Contact: 0207 517 4801

    The names of Safeguarding Officers may be added periodically. 

    Contact can be made with any of the Safeguarding Officers listed above.

    If you are unable to speak to any of the above, or you feel there is an urgency with a concern, or in emergency circumstances, you should not hesitate to contact the Police, Social Services or Children’s Services. Please update the Lead Operational Safeguarding Officer if you do contact any of these external agencies as soon as possible afterwards.   

    List current at April 2024

  • Support for you if you are impacted by a disclosure or allegation

    We recognise that dealing with safeguarding and Prevent issues can be a cause for concern for you as a staff member or student and that it can have an impact. 

    It is common to feel angry, powerless or sad. Information may trigger memories of your own experience which may cause you distress.  

    If you are a student, we have a range of support available which can be found at Health and Wellbeing which includes access to counselling, Together All, useful links to external organisations and wellbeing support resources.

    If you are a member of staff  then you should seek support via your Line Manager or HR Business Partner. We have counselling for staff and an Employee Assistance Programme. Further details can be found in the Staff Hub.  Staff can also access the useful links to external organisations.

    Students and staff

    What to do if you are accused of behaviours that fall under Safeguarding

  • Safeguarding and Prevent Annual Reports

    Safeguarding and Prevent Annual Report 2023-2024

    Safeguarding and Prevent Annual Report 2022-2023

    Safeguarding and Prevent Annual Report 2021-2022

    Safeguarding and Prevent Annual Report 2020-2021

    Safeguarding and Prevent Annual Report 2019-2020

    Safeguarding Annual Reports are held on file for seven years and any years not showing on this page may be requested by emailing the Lead Safeguarding Officer (Operational) - see Safeguarding contacts at the University of Cumbria on this page.

  • Confidentiality

    Confidentiality in relation to Safeguarding and Prevent

    The University works within the parameters of Data Protection legislation and associated statutory duties. Only those who need to know should be informed of an incident/concern.  

    The University works on the principle of informed consent except where there is a legal/statutory basis (serious risk to self/others/or to prejudicing initial and ongoing safeguarding investigations) to not seek this.


    Any concerns about confidentiality can be raised with the Lead Safeguarding Officer (Strategic) Brian Webster-Henderson 

  • Safeguarding and Prevent Training

    Staff Training: 

    All new staff should receive a basic introduction to Safeguarding and Prevent as part of their induction 

    If you are a member of staff at the University you will need to undertake mandatory online training in Safeguarding and Prevent (Inclusive, Cohesive and Safe Universities). You will find details on the Staff Hub (link to Development Training and Skills on staff hub).

    If you undertake additional training with e.g. external organisations or professional bodies, you should ask Human Resources to update your training record. 

    Student Training  

    Safeguarding/Prevent training for students is delivered by the Institutes in relation to their programmes.  

    Staff and students

    Tips for protecting yourself from allegations

  • Further information on Prevent and radicalisation

    Terrorism and national emergencies