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The summer 2025 graduation ceremonies will take place in the week commencing Monday 14 July.


  • Academic Dress

    As your graduation ceremony is a very special occasion, marking your academic achievement, it is mandatory that all graduands wear full academic dress (gown, hood and mortarboard) and, therefore, it is not possible to participate in the ceremony without it.

    Gowns can be hired via our preferred suppliers, Ede & Ravenscroft. It is important to note Ede & Ravenscroft require 3 weeks’ notice to hire a gown so order yours in plenty of time. You can source your gown from elsewhere but please note that a student arriving in inappropriate academic dress or not gowned will be unable to join the procession and will not be presented for their award during the ceremony.

    University of Cumbria style and colours

    The colours and style of the gowns and hoods indicate both the award (eg diploma, foundation, bachelor, postgraduate or master) and the awarding university.

    It's very important that you order the correct academic dress for your qualification as the style is different for each level of award - if in doubt, contact us and check!TwoGraduands24-02-14, Two males at their graduation

  • Ordering Your Gown

    Gowns can be hired via our preferred suppliers, Ede & Ravenscroft, who will be in attendance on the day. Please be aware that you can source your your gown from elsewhere but please note that a student arriving in inappropriate academic dress or not gowned will be unable to join the procession and will not be presented for their award during the ceremony.

    If you choose to place your order with Ede & Ravenscroft, you must order your gown at least 21 days before your ceremony. The link to gown ordering will become live once booking has closed and the exact dates will be confirmed via email nearer the time. Although it may be possible to pay on the day, only limited stock will be available and this will be allocated on a strictly first come, first served basis and there is no guarantee of availability. In addition, you will pay substantially more for your gown.

    Before you book online, make sure you have the following information ready:

    • Your student ID. (Do not include the "S" at the beginning of your number. If your student number starts with a 0 then enter your number without the 0 at the beginning)
    • Your head circumference, chest and height measurements
    • Your credit/debit card details. If the payment is being made on someone else's card, it is important that you still make the booking in your name.

    Bring a copy of the confirmation with you when you collect your gown on the day of your ceremony, so your order can be processed quickly.

    You can also order your photographs at the same time as ordering your gown which will be quicker and save you time on the day.

    Ede & Ravenscroft can be contacted directly here

  • What to Wear

    We don't have a specific dress code for what you should wear under your gown but we do suggest that both you and your guests dress smartly.

    We offer the following tips to help you look smart:

    • wear a shirt or button up blouse to which you can attach your hood.
    • wear securely fitting shoes, as there will be some walking over cobbles and flags and you will also need to make your way up and down some steps. If you wish to wear high heels, you may find wedges easier and safer than stilettos!
    • bring some hair grips to help secure your mortarboard.

    The academic gown and hood must be worn on top of any other clothing to clearly display your award. If you have any questions regarding appropriate attire, please contact the ceremonies team who will be able to advise.

  • Collecting & Returning Your Gown

    You can collect your gown from the Fratry approximately 2 hours before the ceremony.

    You should return your gown to the Drawing Room of the Crown & Mitre Hotel shortly after the ceremony.

    Find out more about the schedule for the day or information about a particular venue.

  • Official Graduation Photography

    The official photographers on the day will be Ede & Ravenscroft and their studios will be set up in the Crown & Mitre Hotel for individual and family/group photographs.

    Booking your photographs

    We recommend that you book your photographs no later than 10 days prior to your ceremony. You can make a booking on the Ede & Ravenscroft website.

    Information about the different photograph packs available and how to order are in the Ede & Ravenscroft flyer and online.

    Ede & Ravenscroft also supply your gowns, so you can book your photographs at the same time as ordering your gown. If you choose to book your photographs later, you can log-in to add your photography order from their website.

    Photography location

    The photography studios are in the . If you have pre-booked your photos you should you should make your way to the Edwardian Room, 1st floor, Crown & Mitre Hotel.

    If you are booking photographs on the day you should make your way to the sales desk and photographic studios situated in the Supper Room (accessible by a staircase only *). 

    Important: All family shots (both pre-paid and bookings on the day) will be taken in the Supper Room.

    Graduation, Three women stood on a staircase at their graduation Unless you are having a family photograph it would be helpful if graduands only accessed the photographic studios. This will avoid congestion and speed up the service for you on the day. 

    * The Supper Room is located on the lower ground floor and is accessible only by stairs. If this causes you any difficulties please go directly to the Edwardian Room.

    Photography inside the Cathedral

    Please respect the policy of the Cathedral and refrain from taking flash photography, videos and recordings inside the Cathedral.  

    We have been granted special permission for our official photographers to be present in the Cathedral. They will take award presentation photographs of each graduand as you shake hands with the Presiding Officer. These photographs will be available for purchase a few weeks following your ceremony date at

    • Select Graduation Services
    • Select Online gallery
    • Select University of Cumbria from drop down box
    • Select your date and time of ceremony
    • Enter password (emailed to you by Ede & Ravenscroft)
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