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The University of Cumbria Student Charter 2023/24

This Charter reflects the collaborative relationship between the University, our students and our Students’ Union. It applies equally to all students enrolled on University of Cumbria programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate, apprenticeship learners and those studying at a distance as well as on campus).

The Charter has been jointly developed by the University and the Students’ Union. The Charter sets out the mutual expectations and obligations between the University and Students, reflecting our core values: we are personal, progressive, and engaged. In the context of the Charter, our values are of particular relevance in the following ways:

• We have mutual respect for those we work with and for;
• We focus on the situation not the problem;
• We are welcoming and open to different perspectives, expertise and experiences

Supported by strong partnership-working with our students and Students’ Union, we will equip our graduates with the skills, confidence and attributes to realise their potential, to succeed in their workplace and careers and to be active global citizens.

The University aims to:

• Develop confident, resilient and socially aware learners
• Provide an environment for the development of professionally relevant, research informed and innovative programmes
• Support staff in the development and enhancement of their role in providing excellence in higher education

We expect you to commit to your studies and work hard to achieve your potential, and to respect the right of other students to do the same in shared activities and spaces.

NOTE: Minor changes to the Student Charter are expected to be approved in September 2024 to reflect the University's new Learning and Teaching Plan, and new developments including changes to module evaluation.  The substantive content of the Charter for 2024/25 will remain unchanged and the key responsibilities of the University, our Students' Union, and our students will remain unchanged.  The revised Charter will be published and communicated in a range of ways including through the Student Global.

  • The University of Cumbria’s commitment to you

    We will:

    • Treat you fairly, with respect and professionalism. Our Inclusivity Statement foregrounds our commitment to “providing an inclusive environment, where staff, students and visitors are encouraged to be their true self, in order to enhance the individual and collective experience. As a university community, we share the social responsibility of enabling this inclusive environment by valuing, respecting and celebrating difference, to ensure that we generate a sense of understanding and belonging”
    • Provide learning activities which develop you as an inquiring, expert and confident practitioner
    • Provide learning environments (physical and virtual) focused on flexibility and fitness for purpose in terms of pedagogy, employability, and discipline
    • Provide well-designed programmes which are accessible, current, and include research at the cutting edge of the discipline
    • Provide opportunities to experiment with and test your growing knowledge and skills in actual or simulated work environments
    • Provide authentic assessment opportunities to support you in the development of University of Cumbria Graduate Attributes
    • Provide feedback on your assessed work within 20 working days
    • Provide responsive student support that is tailored to your needs
    • Provide regular contact with a named Personal Tutor to review your progress and help guide your future plans
    • Seek to communicate with you in a timely and accurate way when we need to tell you about a change to planned activity
    • Maintain contact with you through your University email address and announcements on Blackboard
    • Foster your independence by equipping you with the skills to identify and respond to problems and challenges
    • Foster and reward social and independent learning
    • Ensure that staff engaged in curriculum design, delivery or review demonstrate that teaching approaches and learning materials consider your needs as a developing professional
    • Provide continuing professional development for our staff
  • It is YOUR responsibility to:

    • Treat students and staff fairly and with respect, demonstrating professionalism in all our shared learning environments, All students and staff are reminded that the University does not tolerate discrimination, bullying or harassment in any form.
    • Engage and participate in designated learning activities including timetabled sessions and self-directed learning and work based learning where appropriate
    • Take responsibility for your learning and spend sufficient time on your studies
    • Submit assessment by the deadline date and reflect on feedback provided to you
    • Seek advice or support early whenever you have a problem
    • Give us feedback on your experience through our evaluation processes and the student representative system
    • Make the most of the opportunities to engage in the University community through activities beyond the curriculum which will enhance your overall student experience and enable you to develop additional skills
    • Keep us informed of any relevant changes to your circumstances and keep your contact details up-to-date
    • Take responsibility for checking your University email account regularly and frequently - normally daily in term-time and at least weekly at other times
    • Check Blackboard regularly and frequently for information and updates about your course of study and events on campus
    • Be aware of the impact on other students and staff of any social media communications you post. Engaging in any form of harassment, bullying or behaviour that is offensive or threatening to others, or which brings the University into disrepute, may be a breach of the Student Code of Conduct
    • Be aware of and comply with the University’s Academic Regulations, Student Code of Conduct and other University procedures
  • The University of Cumbria Students’ Union (UCSU) commitment to you

    UCSU will:

    • Provide independent, confidential and non-judgmental advice on academic and welfare issues
    • Provide a diverse range of opportunities to enhance your personal and professional development
    • Provide effective communication to reach all students by removing barriers to access
    • Champion your student voice through democratic representation
    • Encourage and facilitate active student groups and communities within the university
    • Actively seek your views in relation to all aspects of your University experience and feed these back to the University on a regular basis
    • Promote your interests and welfare through appropriate representation, support and advice services
    • Seek out and use your feedback to ensure the Union operates effectively and continues to develop
    • Be available and approachable during working hours and assist you with any issues or queries as best as possible
  • Useful Links

This document/page is reviewed annually.

Owner: Jess Robinson - Deputy Academic Registrar

Last review: August 2023

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