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My Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub

Welcome to My Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub. Here you can find all of the support available to you including support for your mental health, physical health and digital wellbeing. You can also find out about events near you and the networks available.

  • What's on?

    Our fitness classes back on all campuses and we’ve added some new ones! There is limited availability, so booking is advised.


    Monday: Group Training 11:30 – 12:15 in the gym with Savannah.

    Tuesday: Pilates 17:15-18:00 in the Beehive with Savannah.

    Email to book a space.


    Monday: Group Training 12:15–13:00 in the gym with Adrian.

    Tuesday: Paramount Bootcamp 18:00–19:00 at Brampton Road Campus with Martyn.

    Wednesday: Group Training 12:15–13:00 in the gym with Martyn.

    Thursday: Yoga 12:15–13:00 in the Sports Hall with Pam.

                      Paramount Bootcamp 18:00-19:00 at Brampton Road Campus with Martyn.

    Call the Sports Centre on 01228 616006 to book a space.


    Monday: Cardio & Core 12:30–13:00 at the Sports Complex with Jayne.

    Tuesday: Bootcamp 12:15–13:00 at the Sports Complex with Jayne.

                    Stretch n’ Tone 17:15–18:00 in Fieldhead Room 2 with Jayne.

    Wednesday: Pilates 12:30–13:15 in Fieldhead Room 2 with Kim.

    Thursday: Pilates 17:15-18:00 in Fieldhead Room 2 with Savannah.

    Friday: Yoga 18:00-19:30 in Fieldhead Room 2 with Tony.

    Call the sports complex on 01228 888668 to book a space.

  • Student Union Networks

  • Safeguarding & You Report, We Support

    What is Safeguarding?

    Safeguarding is the process of protecting health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals – especially children, young people and vulnerable adults – to live free from abuse, harm and neglect, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or from being drawn into terrorism.”

    We do not tolerate any actions which constitute:

    • A breach of the law
    • Harassment and bullying in any form be that: in person, in written or verbal form or via online/social media (Check out our Anti Harassment & Bullying Statement at: Anti-Harassment and Bullying) Bullying and harassment can include sexual harassment and abuse, domestic violence and coercive control.
    • Discrimination in any form

    How can I report my concerns?

    • You can report to your tutor or contact one of our Specialist Student Support Services including our Student Wellbeing Team: Health and Wellbeing
    • You can use the Student Enquiry Point to tell us about your concerns for you or for another student/HLA
    • If you wish to make a complaint about another student you can find information at: Student Complaints Procedure
    • If you are being bullied or harassed at work including by your peers, you should raise concerns via your work procedures, but if this is impacting your study our support services may be able to help. If the worker is a student/Higher Level Apprentice also there may be action available under our procedures.

    For more information, see the Safeguarding page.

    You Report, We Support

    Please report any incident that you believe is sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment or discrimination via You Report, We Support.

Wellbeing (& Recipes) Calendar 2023

Wellbeing (& Recipes) Calendar 2023


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