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Library And Learning Development Plan

What is the Library & Learning Development Plan?

The Library & Learning Development Plan outlines the ways in which we aim to be a library that is at the heart of the learning experience for our university and wider communities towards 2030.

The plan has six main themes: Safe Inclusive Spaces, Resources and Collections, Partnerships, Academic Skills, Research and Towards 2030.

This plan will also provide a shared understanding of our priorities and direction, contributing to a working culture of collaboration, respect, creativity, transparency and commitment.

Library and Learning Development Plan (pdf)

Library Welcome and Getting Started,

Safe Inclusive Spaces

Inspiring people from all backgrounds to engage with our collections

Supporting learning though the provision of digitally and physically accessible services, spaces and resources co-developed with our students.


Our Places and Spaces

Resources and Collections

Digital and physical collections to support your studies 

We work with students and academics to develop collections with a focus on high quality digital resources. 


Our Resources


Making relationships at local, national and international levels 

We seek out and act upon the student voice to challenge, develop and improve our services. We focus on sustainable activities that meet and then exceed the expectations of our community. 


Our Events

Academic Skills

Sharing knowledge to empower students 

We share our knowledge of university practices and expectations in relation to researching and writing assignments through workshops, webinars, resources, appointments and more. We work alongside learners to help develop your confidence and ability to succeed in your academic work and as critically reflective practitioners in academic and professional settings.

skills for library plan,


Our Skills Team


Supporting research and researchers 

We work collaboratively with the Research & Knowledge Exchange team to support the creation, dissemination and discoverability of research. We curate Insight - a free and open database of research. 


Our Research Support

Towards 2030 - A University Strategy

Responding and contributing to the ‘Towards 2030’ strategy 

All of our work feeds into the University’s ‘Towards 2030’ strategy - transforming lives and livelihoods through learning, applied research and practice – for now and for our future generations.


Towards 2030