Useful sites and links
We have compiled a list of self-help books that you may find useful in managing a condition or situation. They are all available through OneSearch and the university library.
No Panic National Helpline - Supports sufferers of panic attacks, phobias and other anxiety disorders, including tranquilliser withdrawal. Tel: 0808 808 0545 (Free phone)
Cruse Cumbria Bereavement Care - Cruse can help if someone has died, by sharing experiences of loss with others who are in the same position. The helpline is available for those who do not feel a group is for them. Tel: 0870 167 1677 - not a 24 hour service but a message can be left on the answer phone and calls will be returned.
Steps - Supporting young people who are experiencing bereavement, separation or loss.
Tel or text: 07951 709423 or email Steps Northwest.
The NHS have produced this resource for people Bereaved by Suicide and other sudden, traumatic death.
UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs). Various downloadable booklets providing information for international students, including culture shock and its consequences.
Travel Insurance Review have created a 5-part guide to help travellers better understand their feelings of isolation and cope with the troubling symptoms of culture shock.
It covers:
Students Against Depression: A website by students for students.
One in four of us will experience some kind of mental health problem in our lifetime. One in 10 will experience depression or anxiety with depression in any one year. This statistic holds true for students and young people. Depression is one of the biggest dangers facing young people today – suicide is the biggest killer of young men under 35 in the UK.
Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking. Alongside clinically-validated information and resources it presents the experiences, strategies and advice of students themselves – after all, who are better placed to speak to their peers about how depression can be overcome.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): CALM is a helpline offering counselling, advice and information. The service is specifically aimed at young men, but calls will be accepted from anyone.
Tel: 0800 58 58 58 – 5.00pm to 3.00am, 7 days a week.
Mind: We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Time to Change - England's biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination.
Please visit our University webpage on Disability.
CADAS (Cumbria Alcohol and Drug Advisory Service) - offers one to one or group counselling for anyone with a drug, alcohol or gambling problem. Tel: 01228 544140 open 9.00am to 5.00pm – counselling by appointment.
Straightline – Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Service. Supporting young people under 19 who are experiencing difficulties related to drug and alcohol use, offering an information service, counselling and consultation. Tel: 01228 640977 or 07736 923994.
Signpost - A free, confidential 24 hr help line for friends and family of young substance users. Tel: 0800 0838 449
National Drugs Helpline
Tel. 0800 77 66 00
North Cumbria Addictive Behaviour Service Tel: 01228 603020
NHS111 advice line Tel. 111.
Lancashire Care NHS Trust (Lancashire and Cumbria), a wide range of services.
Cumbria Health On Call (Formerly Bay Call and Cue Doc) - Out of hours emergency GP co-operative for Lancaster and whole of Cumbria area. Contact your own GP and your call will be re-directed to Cumbria Health On Call. The doctor on call will deal with any mental health query routed during the out of hours period. If you don't have a GP, telephone 0845 0524999.
Carlisle Cue Dentist - Emergency dental treatment and registration with a local dentist. Tel: 01228 603900. Registration with a dentist – Option 1, Emergency treatment – Option 2.
Lancaster / Morecambe - Emergency dental treatment call North Lancashire NHS. Tel: 01253 306378.
Barrow Dental Access Centre - Tel: 01524 - 835234.
Register with a doctor: Find a NHS doctor by postcode.
Lancashire AIDS Line 0800 220 704. Weekdays 7am - 9pm
National Aids Helpline: Tel: 0800 567 123
Stuart Low Trust, Islington North London
Time to Change - England's biggest programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination.
Tel. 0800 028 2228
Cumbria Domestic Violence Support - provides support, advice and help for women in Cumbria experiencing domestic violence. Can also provide information about housing, money, legal rights, etc. Tel: 07712 117986.
Women’s Aid - national organisation which works to end domestic violence against women and children, offering support and a place of safety to abused women and children. The helpline is open 24 hours a day. Tel: 08457 023 468
The Bridgeway - A voluntary organisation offering support to all adults (aged 16+) who have been raped, sexually abused/assaulted at any time. Tel: 01900 829729 – not a 24 hour service but a message can be left on the answer phone and calls will be returned.
Self Injury Support: (formerly Bristol Crisis Service for Women)
Samaritans - for anyone going through personal crisis and at risk of suicide. Clients may also drop in to the centres at 119 Botchergate, Carlisle - between 11am and 9pm, or at 71 George Street, Whitehaven - please phone beforehand to check times. Telephone Service, 24 hours a day. Lancaster at 21 Sun Street - check website for times.
01229 825656 - Barrow
01228 544444 - Carlisle
01946 694266 - West Cumbria
01524 61666 or 01539 741444 - Lancaster
116 123 - National
Royal College of Psychiatrists
The NHS have produced this resource for people Bereaved by Suicide and other sudden, traumatic death.
In an emergency, where someone is at risk of immediate harm, call 999.
To relieve poverty, sickness and distress among people who are suffering as a result of any criminal offences.
Cumbria Tel: 01228 562638.
Victim Supportline National Tel: 08 08 16 89 111
Lancashire Tel: 01772 201 142
Victim Support line National Tel: 08 08 16 89 11