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When completing the online booking form please indicate if you or any of your guests have any accessibility requirements. We can then discuss any support or adjustments that can be made to enable you and your guests to enjoy the ceremony.

These requirements may include:

  • Mobility requirement (including wheelchair users)
  • Visual impairment
  • Hearing impairment

Please indicate on the online booking registration form, along with brief details, whether you or a guest have any additional requirements by:

  • 11th April 2025 

If necessary, we will arrange a visit to the venue to discuss requirements. This is likely to take place on the Monday of ceremonies week.

Venue accessibility information

Please note the following points regarding our venues:

Carlisle Cathedral (main venue)

The graduation ceremony takes place in Carlisle Cathedral.


  • To reach the presentation area, graduands will have to negotiate steps. If this may prove difficult for you please contact the Ceremonies Office so that adjustments can be made.

Graduands and guests

  • There are some disabled parking spaces close to the Cathedral. For more information contact the Ceremonies Office or Carlisle City Council
  • There is no parking in the Cathedral grounds so we would advise that any guests who are unable to walk far are dropped off at the Cathedral by a taxi or other driver.
  • The guest seating area in the Cathedral is fully accessible with no steps and guests can take any seat that is not reserved. However, we do ask you notify us if your guests are wheelchair users so that we can reserve suitable seats.
  • There is a disabled toilet within the Cathedral grounds which is accessible using a RADAR key.
  • There are more toilets in the Fratry building (opposite the Cathedral).
  • The Cathedral is equipped with a hearing loop system.
  • Guests can gain access to the Cathedral approximately 1 hour prior to the ceremony.  In advance of this, guests queue outside the Cathedral.
  • A first aider will be in attendance in the Cathedral.
  • For more information about the Cathedral, visit the Carlisle Cathedral website.


Gown collection and lining up takes place in the Fratry

  • The Fratry is fully accessible via the lift that is located through the cafe.

Tullie House Museum and Gallery

The ceremonies are shown via Live Video Link in the Lecture Theatre at Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery.

  • The lecture theatre is fully accessible. However, we do ask you notify us if your guests are wheelchair users so that we can reserve suitable seats.

For more information about Tullie House Museum and Gallery, visit their website.

Crown & Mitre Hotel

Photography, gown return and the celebratory receptions take place at the Crown & Mitre Hotel. 

  • The hotel has disabled access with the exception of the Supper Room.
  • The Ballroom is accessible by a ramp and assistance is available (via a button on the wall) if required.
  • The Edwardian Room (Photo studio) and Drawing Room (Gown return) is accessible by a small lift. If any of your party have a particularly large wheelchair or mobility scooter please go the Information Desk in the foyer and ask for assistance. A smaller wheelchair will be available for you to borrow.
  • There are accessible toilets in the hotel. 
  • For more information about the Crown & Mitre Hotel, visit their website.

Dietary requirements

At the July ceremonies, a glass of Prosecco or fruit juice will be provided at the Celebratory Reception.

At the November ceremonies, a glass of Prosecco or fruit juice will be provided at the Celebratory Reception. 

If you or your guests have any food allergies or intolerances which would prevent you from consuming either of these options, please supply more information on the booking form or email by:

  • 11th April 2025



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