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Career Ahead is the University of Cumbria's Employability Award. It is designed to help you recognise and develop your employability skills, providing you with a greater opportunity to get the job you want when you graduate.

Want to jump straight in? Download the Career Ahead Quick Start Guide.

  • What is Career Ahead?

    Career Ahead is a flexible points-based programme that rewards you for extracurricular activities and engagement with the Careers and Employability Service. It enables you to reflect on the skills you have developed and articulate these when making job applications.

    Have a look at the next section ‘What activities can I do?’ for a full list.

    Career Ahead is accessed via My Career Enriched, your career hub, and can be found under 'Pathways'. As you complete activities, Pathways will track your progress.

    Each activity you complete will provide you with points to reach the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the award. You need:

    Bronze:150 points       Silver: 300 points     Gold: 500 points

    Once you have gained 500 points, you can apply for your Career Ahead Gold certificate. To do this, book a ten-minute Career Ahead appointment with a member of the Careers Team. This informal meeting is an opportunity for you to talk about your Career Ahead journey, reflect on what you have gained from the activities and discuss with us your next steps. Your Careers Adviser will then arrange for you to receive your certificate of achievement. To make a Career Ahead appointment, go to My Career Enriched.

    Career Ahead appointments can be via Teams, telephone or by request in person.

    Here’s how it works:

    Career Ahead,  

    Career Ahead is flexible to fit around your studies, you can take as little or as long as you need to complete the award, providing you are a current UoC student. It is completely free and you have ongoing support from your Careers and Employability Adviser. Best of all, you get to stand out from the crowd and impress potential employers when you graduate!

  • What activities can I do?

    Career Ahead What activities 1,

    Career ahead activities 2, Career ahead activities 3, Career ahead activities 4,


  • How do I get started?

    Career Ahead is accessed via My Career Enriched UoC’s careers hub. You need to be a current student to complete the award and you will need to activate your account, by completing your profile. Career Ahead is in the Pathways section but it’s easier on the opening dashboard to click the Career Ahead Employability Award icon to take you straight there.

    Pathways will track your progress as you attend workshops, events and appointments and engage with other careers and employability activities. Each activity will provide you with points to reach the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the award.

    Get started now by going to My Career Enriched, click on the Career Ahead Employability Award icon and start the 'Career Ahead' award!

    Career ahead employability award,  

    If you have any problems accessing Career Ahead or My Career Enriched, please contact

  • Information for academic staff

    Academic staff can download a Powerpoint presentation which can be used to introduce the Career Ahead award to students. It can be edited to suit the session, and includes supporting notes. 

    Download: Career Ahead slide pack

    You can also download the Quick Guide for Students which directs students to quickly sign up to Career Ahead.

    Download: Career Ahead Quick Start Guide


Keep up to date with all the news about the Career Ahead award by following us on Twitter @UoCCareers

Career Ahead Work Experience recording template (pdf)

Career Ahead Work experience reflection template (pdf)

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