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Our suite of online self study courses are designed to give you a Head Start to your learning journey, whatever your level of study. 

Access is easy! Whether you're a registered University of Cumbria student, partnership or external student, or an applicant, you can access the course materials via the web.

Check out the details below to work out which version of Head Start best suits you and which link to use for access. 

  • Which version of Head Start is for me?

    1. Head Start to University

    Students beginning their undergraduate studies at Levels 3 or 4 (years 0 or 1) and for anyone who has been away from university study for a while. 

    2. Head Start Plus

    Students who are moving on to the second or third year of studies (Levels 5 and 6) or anyone joining the university at Level 6 for top-up or CPD courses. 

    3. Head Start to Postgraduate Study

    Students who are beginning or returning to any postgraduate studies such as a PGCE or Masters degree. 

    4. Head Start to Apprenticeships

    A version of Head Start to University that includes specific information for apprentice students. Complete this version if you are starting a Degree Apprenticeship. 

    5. Head Start Plus to Apprenticeships

    A version of Head Start Plus for students starting a higher level degree apprenticeship. These are usually apprentices starting at Level 5 or 6, eg Paramedic Practice Degree Apprenticeship.

    6. Head Start to Postgraduate Apprenticeships

    Head Start to Postgraduate Study with apprenticeship information added. This course is for students on a postgraduate degree apprenticeship.


  • 1. Head Start to University

    Head Start is an online course that helps you to transition to life at university. It is intended for students preparing for study at either Level 3 or Level 4 (year 0 or year 1) at the University of Cumbria, and is also open to anyone who is new to studying at university.

    The course is split into 5 units:

    1. Your Transition to University - Welcome to studying at university
    2. Your Research Skills - Finding and evaluating quality information for assignments
    3. Your Writing - Writing for higher education
    4. Your Referencing - Crediting original authors for the evidence you cite
    5. Your Digital Skills - Introduction to the basics of working with computers at university

    These are supplemented by two short self-evaluation surveys and supporting resources.

    Accessing Head Start to University

    Head Start to University is available via the web:

    • Whether you are a fully registered University of Cumbria student, pre-registration, partnership or external student or an applicant, you can access the course materials (with self-declaration of completion available) at


  • 2. Head Start Plus

    Are you about to start a Level 5 or 6 course as either a standalone Continuing Professional Development (CPD) module or as a year 2 or 3 undegraduate student?  Head Start Plus is for you. The course includes information and guidance on:

    1. Finding Information
    2. Reading and Notetaking
    3. Academic Writing
    4. Structure and Editing
    5. Reflective Practice
    6. Referencing
    7. Digital Capabilities

    By completing Head Start Plus you will:

    • prepare yourself for academic study at levels 5 or 6;
    • understand the importance of finding, reading and referencing the right information;
    • begin to develop your critical skills;
    • gain the skills required to structure an academic assignment to best offer your argument and conclusion;
    • discover and develop the digital skills required for your studies.

    Accessing Head Start Plus

    Head Start Plus is available via:

    Whether you are a fully registered University of Cumbria student, pre-registration, partnership or external student or an applicant, you can access the course materials (with self-declaration of completion available) at

    Any queries, please contact 

  • 3. Head Start to Postgraduate Study

    By completing Head Start to Postgraduate Study you will:

    • prepare yourself for academic study at level 7;
    • gain an understanding of the requirements of academic writing at postgraduate level;
    • learn about reflexive practice and how it relates to your studies and learning;
    • know how important it is to find and manage the right kind of literature for you work;
    • understand the need to develop and apply your academic voice.

    Accessing Head Start to Postgraduate Study

    Head Start to Postgraduate Study is available via

    Whether you are a fully registered student, pre-registration, partnership or external student or an applicant, you can access the course materials of this course (with self-declaration of completion) at

  • 4. Head Start to Apprenticeships

    Eligibility to enrol on Head Start to Apprenticeships

    This version of Head Start has been tailored towards students who are completing a Higher Level Apprenticeship or Degree Apprenticeship with the University of Cumbria. If this does not describe your course of study, then please scroll back up this page and see the instructions for Head Start.

    About Head Start to Apprenticeships

    Head Start to Apprenticeships supports the development of your academic skills and digital capabilities whilst helping to boost your confidence as you transition into academic study in a working environment.

    This course is broken down into 6 main units:

    1. Transition to University - Welcome to Higher Education at university
    2. Off-the-job Training - What does and doesn't count
    3. Research Skills - Finding and evaluating information
    4. Writing in HE - Writing for higher education
    5. Referencing - Crediting original authors for the evidence you cite
    6. Digital Capabilities - Introduction to the basics of working with computers at university
    i. You must also complete a short course on Linkedin Learning

    Accessing Head Start to Apprenticeships

    Head Start to Apprenticeships is available via: 

    Whether you are a fully registered University of Cumbria student, pre-registration, partnership or external student or an applicant, you can access the course materials (with self-declaration of completion) at

  • 5. Head Start Plus to Apprenticeships

    Head Start Plus to Apprenticeships is designed for students entering a Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) at level 5 or 6 of university study i.e. Paramedic Apprentices. The course combines elements of Head Start to Apprenticeships and Head Start Plus. The course includes information and guidance on:

    1. Transition to Apprenticeships
    2. Off-the-job Training
    3. Finding Information
    4. Reading and Notetaking
    5. Academic Writing
    6. Structure and Editing
    7. Reflective Practice
    8. Referencing
    9. Digital Capabilities

    By completing Head Start Plus to Apprenticeships you will:

    • prepare yourself for work-based learning and understand the off-the-job training requirements;

    • understand the importance of finding, reading and referencing the right information;

    • begin to develop your critical skills;

    • gain the skills required to structure an academic assignment to best offer your argument and conclusion;

    • discover and develop the digital skills required for your studies.

    Accessing Head Start Plus to Apprenticeships

    Head Start Plus to Apprenticeships is available via: 

    Whether you are a fully registered University of Cumbria student, or a pre-registration, partnership or external student or an applicant, you can access the course materials (with self-declaration of completion) at

  • 6. Head Start to Postgraduate Apprenticeships

    Some students might have studied at undergraduate level before this level; although for some it might be a while since any formal academic study has taken place or it may have been in a subject area where there is less emphasis on academic writing and research.

    This course combines elements of Head Start to Apprenticeships and Head Start to Postgraduate Study to provide a tailored resource that will help to prepare you for your studies.

    By completing Head Start to Postgraduate Apprenticeships you will:
    • prepare yourself for study through work on your apprenticeship;
    • prepare yourself for academic study at level 7;
    • gain an understanding of the requirements of academic writing at postgraduate level;
    • learn about reflexive practice and how it relates to your studies and learning;
    • know how important it is to find and manage the right kind of literature for you work;
    • understand the need to develop and apply your academic voice.

    Accessing Head Start to Postgraduate Apprenticeships

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