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  • OBS Studio

    A free, open source, and cross platform screen casting and streaming application. The main user interface is organized into five sections: scenes, sources, audio mixer, transitions and controls. 

    Scenes and Sources are the heart of OBS Studio. These are where you set up your stream layout, webcams, and any other devices or media that you want in the output.

  • Sources

    The following sources have been setup within OBS:

    Source Name

    What does the source do?

    Elgato Facecam Contains all of the settings and configuration so the Facecam can run at optimum settings
    Canon Camera Contains all the settings and configuration to allow the Canon Camera to run without lag and delay.
    IPevo Visualiser Contains the Visualizer, the settings by default are optimized.
    Wolfvision Contains the Wolfvision Cynap Pro - the settings by default are optimized.
    Pink Shadow Contains a shadow effect that has been added to enhance some of the created scenes
    Background Slide Contains a UOC approved background slide that is used to help give identity to each scene.
  • Scenes

    The following scenes have been setup within OBS:

    Scene Name

    What does the scene contain?

    Devices All of the visual devices such as the Facecam, Canon Camera and the Visualizer will be stored here. 
    Background Any background image you require

    Stream Starting/Ending



    Two place cards have been created to start and end your recordings. Both scenes can be triggered using the Stream Deck.








    A number of scenes have been setup which can again be triggered using the Stream Deck to allow you to jump into one of many forms of presenting.

    PowerPoint will allow you to present your presentation.

    The Lightboard scene allows you to use the whiteboard app on a transparent screen so who you're presenting to don't lose sight of your face.

    The Internet scene allows you to share what you are looking at in Google Chrome.

    The Visualizer scene projects the image from the Visualizer which is on each of the POD desks.

    Each of the above scenes have two different options you can pick which change how your camera is overlayed. The two options are Half Screen & Full Screen. Half screen displays your camera at the bottom right of the screen whilst showing the respected scene. The Full Screen option minimizes your camera and displays the scene only.

    The PODS will use the Stream Deck which will be on the desk to hotkey actions that have been setup in OBS.

  • Video Guidance

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