Feeling Unwell over Easter
If you are not well and your symptoms relate to those of COVID-19, please see the guidance available on the NHS website.
If you feel unwell, concerning both your physical and mental health, please consider the following:
- Make an appointment with a GP
- Phone 111 for non-emergency physical health, mental health and dentistry
- If you are already engaged with external mental health services, use the numbers you have been given to access support if you go in to crisis or take yourself to Accident and Emergency or phone an ambulance
- Contact the Samaritans 116 123 - 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
- Access Student Space - a national online resource and advice service to help students through the COVID pandemic.
- Explore TogetherAll - a free online self-help community to support your mental health 24/7. It is free to use if you use your student email account to register.