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Password Reset:

Resetting your password is now easier than ever. Once you have registered for Multi Factor Authentication you will automatically be given the power to reset your password any time you need to. When you go to sign in to any university service, you'll see an option which reads either 'Can't access your account?' or 'Forgotten my password'. Simply click on this link and you'll be taken through the process to reset your university password.

You can reset your password online now using the Microsoft Online Password Reset Tool. You will need your student or staff email to complete the reset.

Multi-Factor Authentication:

Remember, your account is now protected using Multi-Factor Authentication. If you receive a new phone, you will need to update your authentication methods before you erase the old. Updating your methods can be done here.

Remote Desktop:

The Remote Desktop service also remains available over the Christmas period should you need to access specific software.

IT Service Desk:

Whilst the service desk will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday, you are still able to log support calls which will be dealt with on reopening. Please use the self service portal.

If there is a major IT issue, IT Services will be automatically notified. For any other emergency, contact your campus security team. See above for details.



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