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Library News and Events

Find out more about what is happening in our libraries. Keep up to date with Student Services including the Library via Instagram and X 


Library news and events banner,

  • Lancaster Library Visual Journey

    Our first Visual Journey Lancaster Campus has gone live!  This shows you around the books, study spaces and where to ask for help within the library. 


    10 December 2024

  • Christmas comes to our libraries!

     Pop into our libraries and see our trees and decorations.  Why not take a photo and upload it to our Instagram UOCStuServ channel? 



     Fusehill law reports tree,

    Fusehill Library fireplace,



     Lancaster Library Tree,

    09 December 2024. 

  • Instagram Competition Winners

    Earlier this semester we ran a competition asking for students to upload photos of their studying using library resources.

    We are very pleased to announce we have 2 winners of £50 book tokens each  - Kay Ashton and Hannah Ritchie!!


    Kay Ashton is in the 2nd year of the BSC (Hons) Project Management degree studying via distance learning

    Kay said: "As a remote apprentice studying project management, and as a disabled solo parent, the University of Cumbria Library’s online resources have been a lifeline. The remote services provide essential support, making it possible for me to access the materials I need without leaving home, how I am able to highlight items within books as reference points is also super useful and how it can assist with citations"

    Kay Ashton Insta Photo, Kay sitting at her desk with ebook displayed on her screen 

    Kay Ashton Prize, Photo of Kay with her prize


    Hannah Ritchie is on the 3rd year of a BSC (Hons) Criminology degree and is based at Fusehill. Hannah is a frequent visitor and user of Fusehill library!

    Hannah said:  "Thank you to the library team for all the help, support and guidance during my study. The range of books both in print and online that we have, always allow me to expand my knowledge further and feel confident when writing my academic essays. 

    I'm very grateful and excited to have received a prize of £50 worth of book tokens! I can't wait to get my head stuck in some new books"


    Hannah Ritchie Instagram Photo, Image of Hannah working in the library

    Hannah Ritchie Insta 2, photo of Hannah using the library


    To keep up to date with library and other student services news follow us on Instagram 


    9th December 2024














  • New Webinar Programme September - December 2024

    Our new Webinar programme is now underway with a variety of sessions scheduled up to December. Joining in webinars means you will find out more about that topic and if you wish you can join in when prompted and ask questions too. 

    Book on via this link.  Booking closes 24 hours beforehand. Links to join will then be sent out by email.


    If you cannot make a particular one click on the banner for that title and see if there is pre-recording of the key points. 


    New webinars this year include:


    "Headphones on: crack on" - student study tips

    Developing an academic style

    Write Now: Writing Retreat


    Any queries email 


    14th September 2024

  • New Tullie Display at Fusehill

    Backing the Blues Display at Fusehill Library, Artefacts from the Backing the Blues Exhibition currently running at Tullie Museum and Art Gallery

    Tullie, the Carlisle based museum and art gallery, have updated their display at Fusehill Street Library. 

    To illustrate their current 'Backing the Blues' Exhibition, Tullie have brought along a sample of lever arch files containing examples of documentation around Carlisle Football Club collected by Colin Cowx over 80 years. To quote Tullie "this display represents a life of meticulous documentation, analysis, commitment and passion for a particular subject matter.  Placed within the context of a library - a space of knowledge and academic resources - Colin Cowx's rigorous pursuit asks the question:  "What are you truly passionate about?""

    Why not pop into Fusehill library to take a closer look. Or visit the Tullie Exhibition "Backing the Blues" running until 10th November 2024.


    14th September 2024



  • New Quick Guides to Onesearch

    Our new Quick Guides to searching on Onesearch are now live!

    Two new guides to help you to get the best out of using Onesearch:

    Basics - to get you going see our Quick guide to OneSearch - basic

    Advanced Search - check out further tips and more complex searching on our Quick guide to OneSearch - advanced

    Any queries about searching email 



    2 September 2024



  • OneLists get a new look

    A significant new look to our OneList reading list website has now gone live as of 1st August

    Go to our Onelist webpage to find out more 


    Student View Onelist,


    2nd August 2024

  • Getting Published: Choosing a Journal

    Thinking about writing a journal article and wondering how to choose a journal to submit to?  We have created this guide about choosing which journal to aim for when there are so many titles to choose from! 

     For staff there is a more detailed guide on Sharepoint

    For any queries please email in the first instance and we will signpost you to the right place to answer your query.


    26th July 2024 



  • Professional Staff - 11 things you might like to know about the library

    Staff from Professional Services are very welome to use our libraries and services.

    Find out more on this link


    02 August 2024

  • Share your love of reading - suggest a book for the library

    Share your love of reading with others and help us develop our Reading for You wishlist.  Add your favourite authors, titles, or categories of books to our Padlet.  Simply click on the + symbol to add your comment, link, or image.

    Reading_For_You_Wishlist, Invite to add your suggestion to our Reading For You Collection. Scan the QR code to take part.

    22 March 2024. 

  • Ask A Librarian Chat Service is now available 24/7

    Our Ask a Librarian Chat Service is now available online 24/7.Ask A Librarian, Ask a Librarian 24/7 chat  

    9am to 5pm - you would be chatting online with staff from the University Library

    5pm - 9am - overnight you will be helped by a librarian based overseas, mostly in the USA. 

    Use the form on the link above or look for the orange 'Ask a Librarian' tabs on Onesearch and selected library webpages.

    You can also pop into a campus library too, and ask for help at the library desks. 

    23rd  February 2024

  • Brampton Road - Zone 2 - new look!

    BramptonRd Zone 2, Zone 2 of library

    Zone 2 at Brampton Road Library has been given a new look!  Please drop in and take a look - there are more study desks, a social seating area and new displays.  We hope you like it and would love to hear what you think via our feedback form

    22nd January 2024


  • Accessible Study Room at Lancaster Library

    Accessible Study Room, Picture of the Accessible Study Room with led and laser lighting, PC with adjustable height desk and ergonomic chair, soft chair and yoga mat

    The Accessible study room has been very popular!  You can see more below about what is contains. We would love to hear what you think of it and how you have been using it on our feedback form


    In the room on the 1st floor you will find:

    • an adjustable height desk with ergonomic chair
    • a double-screen PC with accessible software and adjustable desk lighting
    • variable LED lighting and a sensory projector, both with remote controls to change colours, brightness and lighting effects
    • a desktop book stand and perspex writing slope 
    • a yoga mat, balance cushion and fidget toys
    • a soft seat for breakout and relaxation
    • adjustable blinds to filter natural light

    You can book the room on our website here.

    22nd January 2024

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