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Library News and Events

Find out more about what is happening in our libraries. Keep up to date with Student Services including the Library via Twitter and Instagram.


Library news and events banner,

  • Summer Opening Hours in our Libraries

    Our libraries are open over the Summer for borrowing books, using our study spaces, or to ask for help and assistance!

    Details of days and times can be found on our Opening Hours and Contacts page.

    Library opening summer poster 2024,


     16th May 2024

  • Share your love of reading - suggest a book for the library

    Share your love of reading with others and help us develop our Reading for You wishlist.  Add your favourite authors, titles, or categories of books to our Padlet.  Simply click on the + symbol to add your comment, link, or image.

    Reading_For_You_Wishlist, Invite to add your suggestion to our Reading For You Collection. Scan the QR code to take part.

    22 March 2024. 

  • Tullie Display at Fusehill

    Tullie Display at Fusehill Library,

    Tullie, the Carlisle based museum and art gallery,  has kindly loaned us some artefacts to display at Fusehill Street Library until May 2024. The theme is 'Blue' and asks "What do you associate with blue? Is this different from those around you?"

    The items on display include a painting by Tony Peart, a lecturer at the University. He says about his painting: 

    "Like all of my paintings 'Study for Kites' (a small detail from a much larger final work) doesn't depict a 'real' place or people. My work derives from abstract marks in a sketchbook that gradually evolve into images in much the same way as pictures can be conjured from staring at clouds or tea leaves in the bottom of a cup. That said, I'm sure the memory of the thrill of leaning back into a strong breeze when standing high above a landscape spread out before you also played its part..."

    Other objects include packaging from Carrs, the oldest snack manufacturer in the world, stoneware pottery, a Neolithic stone ax from 4000BC, a butterfly and a Hemimorphite mineral from Caldbeck. 

    Why not pop into Fusehill library to take a closer look.


    NB: Tullie is currently closed for redevelopment work and is due to reopen in the Summer.


    21st March 2024



  • Skills@Cumbria Dissertation/Research Projects Webpage Update

    Our Dissertation and Literature Review webpages on the Skills@Cumbria website have been updated.

    They now include some new tutorials of the following subjects amongst other information:


    What is a dissertation?

    Choosing a dissertation topic 

    Writing a research proposal 

    Thinking about research methods 

    Conducting a literature review


    21st March 2024

  • CINAHL upgrade

    UoC now has access to the largest collection of leading nursing and allied health literature.

    We have been able to upgrade our CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) subscription from CINAHL ‘Plus’ to CINAHL ‘Ultimate’.

    Follow the link to the library's CINAHL Ultimate page.

    Here is how ‘Ultimate’ compares with the previous ‘Plus’ subscription:

    1,781 Active full-text journals and magazines (409 in Plus)
    1567 Active full-text, peer-reviewed journals (326 in Plus)
    1,275 Active full-text, peer-reviewed journals with no embargo (195 in Plus)

    See this video on using the PICO Search Strategy in CINAHL Ultimate.

    1st March 2024. 

  • Lancaster Slavery Family Trees Exhibition

    The exhibition of Lancaster Black History Group’s 'Slavery Family Trees Project' is coming to the Lancaster Campus Library from 4th March to 28th June 2024.

    In 2021, the Lancaster Black History Group (LBHG) ‘Slavery Family Trees Project’ worked with several schools, university students, voluntary organisations, community and faith groups from across the district to research and record some of Lancaster's most prolific merchant families involved in transatlantic slavery.

    The exhibition draws on research from this project that has examined the intertwining of the familial branches which profited from this abhorrent trade. 

    “In facing the past more honestly, it is our hope to transform the future.” Professor Imogen Tyler

    Watch the video where Dr Sunita Abraham and Lancaster Black History Group explore Lancaster’s links to transatlantic slavery: 

    The exhibition is available to students, staff and the public and is open Monday to Friday from 9am - 5pm at the Harold Bridges Library, University of Cumbria, Bowerham Road LA1 3JD.


    23rd February 2024

  • Professional Staff - 10 things you might like to know about the library

    Staff from Professional Services are very welome to use our libraries and services.

    Find out more on this link


    23rd February 2023

  • Library Careers Event for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students, staff and public

    Over the last 12 months University of Cumbria Library Services have been working alongside Lancaster University Library to support Asylum seekers and Refugees (AS&R) in the Lancaster & Morecambe District. We are continuing this collaborative relationship with an event aimed at promoting the Library and Information profession to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students across both our universities and beyond.


    Please promote this event to anyone who you think would be interested in finding out more about the diverse range of roles that are available at university libraries, listening to the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic library staff and networking with a wide range of people across the national library sector.


    James Stephens (University Librarian, UoC) will be presenting on the role of coaching and mentoring in supporting new library and information professionals.


    Sign up here: 


    Event details: 6th March 2024 10am-3pm Lancaster University Library (Events and Exhibition Space)


    23rd February 2023


  • Ask A Librarian Chat Service is now available 24/7

    Our Ask a Librarian Chat Service is now available online 24/7.Ask A Librarian, Ask a Librarian 24/7 chat  

    9am to 5pm - you would be chatting online with staff from the University Library

    5pm - 9am - overnight you will be helped by a librarian based overseas, mostly in the USA. 

    Use the form on the link above or look for the orange 'Ask a Librarian' tabs on Onesearch and selected library webpages.

    You can also pop into a campus library too, and ask for help at the library desks. 

    23rd  February 2024

  • Brampton Road - Zone 2 - new look!

    BramptonRd Zone 2, Zone 2 of library

    Zone 2 at Brampton Road Library has been given a new look!  Please drop in and take a look - there are more study desks, a social seating area and new displays.  We hope you like it and would love to hear what you think via our feedback form

    22nd January 2024


  • Accessible Study Room at Lancaster Library

    Accessible Study Room, Picture of the Accessible Study Room with led and laser lighting, PC with adjustable height desk and ergonomic chair, soft chair and yoga mat

    The Accessible study room has been very popular!  You can see more below about what is contains. We would love to hear what you think of it and how you have been using it on our feedback form


    In the room on the 1st floor you will find:

    • an adjustable height desk with ergonomic chair
    • a double-screen PC with accessible software and adjustable desk lighting
    • variable LED lighting and a sensory projector, both with remote controls to change colours, brightness and lighting effects
    • a desktop book stand and perspex writing slope 
    • a yoga mat, balance cushion and fidget toys
    • a soft seat for breakout and relaxation
    • adjustable blinds to filter natural light

    You can book the room on our website here.

    22nd January 2024

  • Lancaster Library - Student Enquiry Point

    The in-person Student Enquiry Point (StEP) has been open since September 2023 in the Library at Lancaster.

    This is the first port of call for all student queries, where our friendly and experienced staff will provide the information required to resolve queries or will refer students to specialist teams to ensure that they receive the best possible advice, guidance, and support.

    Please direct students to the desk during staffed hours. Outside of staffed hours, or if a student is not on campus, students can use the online StEP.


    22nd January 2024

  • Quick access to journal articles with LibKey

    We have a new tool to help you in your research. LibKey Nomad will link to our paid for journal articles where you find them on the internet. Simply download the browser extension and select University of Cumbria. Once installed you will have fast one-click access to our resources. Look for this icon popping up on your screen.

    LibKey Nomad,

    New on Onesearch - Direct access to pdfs of journal articles

    Recently installed on Onesearch is a more direct link to the full text of articles. Look for the ‘Download PDF’ link below each result. You can also view other articles from the same issue of the journal which can be useful for looking for related material.


    Find articles via DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

    Use the search tool on Libkey: DOI Search to see if we have the full text of an article you have found on the internet.
    This service is also linked from the OneSearch homepage under 'Useful Links'.

    05 Sept 2023

  • Dissertation exemplar resource spotlight

    We know many students are working towards submitting their dissertation or research project at this time of year, or perhaps have just completed a research proposal for future research work. As such we wanted to share with you the different places that you can explore dissertation submissions from both our students and those outside of our university.

    OneSearch holds a collection of undergraduate dissertations. You can access it at the top of the OneSearch screen. You can see submissions from across the university and read successful exemplars.

    Our institutional repository Insight holds publications from our staff, but also postgraduate dissertations from some courses, especially the Institution of Health.

    Proquest Dissertations and Thesis Global is an online collection of dissertations and thesis from around the world. You can read a wide range of successful postgraduate submissions.

    Whatever stage in the process you are at, looking at examples of successful work can help inform your work and let you know if you are on the right track.

    26 May 2023

  • Sanctuary Collection

    This collection is being developed to support refugees and asylum seekers in our local community as part of our commitment to creating a compassionate culture, and a practice, of welcome for people seeking sanctuary.

    reading list containing all the sanctuary collection titles is also available.

    Lancaster Sanctuary Collection 1,


    Lancaster Sanctuary Collection 2,

  • Find your ideal study space in your campus library

    Did you know we have a range of study spaces for you to use in our libraries. These include group areas, quiet and silent areas and also places you can book in advance. 

    Visit our webpage to find out more or ask your campus library desk staff.

    Study spaces poster, Find your study space in our libraries

    20th April 2023



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