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The following information is about how our IT Service Desk are supporting you when you have an IT issue or query.

Service Desk calls and resolution by category

These are the top 5 categories of queries during March 2024:

CategoryNumber of support calls% responded within SLA% resolved within SLA
MFA 116 100% 100%
Password Reset 85


Desktop Software Support 60 100% 99.12%
Email and Calendars 58 96.55% 93.10%
Information and Support  40 96.32% 98%

What does responded mean? That's how long it takes us to initially reply to your query.

What does resolved mean? That's how long it takes us to solve your query.

SLA - Service Level Agreement

What is SLA? This stands for Service Level Agreement and are the timings that have been agreed for us to respond to and resolve your issue or query. These timings are based on working hours, so do not include evenings, weekends or public holidays. Each logged incident is assigned to an SLA category and the majority of incidents are placed into Medium by default:

SLA CategoryResponse TimeResolution Time
Low 28 hours (1 day & 4 hours) 99 days
Medium 9.5 hours 4 days
High 2 hours 28.5 hours (1 day & 4.5 hours)
Major 1 hour 8 hours
Immediate 1 hour 6 hours

Number of  telephone calls handled by the IT Service Desk

Period (beginning)Period (end)Number of calls
April 23 June 23 1370
July 23 September 23 1503
October 23 December 23 1627
January 24 March 24 1845
Total calls: 6345


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