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Staff and students have a responsibility to be aware of the policy and procedures relating to malpractice and to take every reasonable measure to ensure that this does not occur. 

All elements of assessment must be your own work and any passages quoted, paraphrased or opinions relied upon must be properly attributed and cited using the correct method (the Harvard system unless an alternative system has been approved).

Where group work is an approved part of the assessment process, the assessment instructions will make clear the nature, content and assessment criteria of such group based activity.  The University accepts that a student’s writing will be influenced by the work of others, but such work must not be copied or paraphrased in whole sentences or paragraphs without appropriate acknowledgement. 

Resubmitting one’s own work in its entirety (or substantial sections) which has previously been submitted for another module or course also falls within this designation.

As well as this webpage, take the Plagiarism and Malpractice tutorial to understand plagiarism and malpractice in more detail and test your knowledge.  

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