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The Open Access (OA) movement is driven by the principle that publicly funded scholarly research should be freely available to the public. Due to pressure from libraries, research funders and other agencies, academic publishers are making an increasing amount of content open access. This page is curated by the University of Cumbria to guide Robert Kennedy College students toward trusted, high quality, peer-reviewed scholarly content.

  • Find OA content with these browser tools

    Here are three useful tools to help you discover Open Access content online:

    Open Access , Open Access logo  EndNote Click (formerly Kopernio) Automatically search the Library's subscriptions, pre-print servers, institutional repositories and private blogs for free PDFs. Works with Web of Science, Pubmed, Google Scholar and 1000s of other academic platforms including ScienceDirect and JSTOR.


    Add the Unpaywall app to Chrome. Search for content that you can use legally.  Sources include repositories run by universities, governments, and scholarly societies, as well as open content hosted by publishers.

    Open Access Button

    Use the Open Access search box to locate the OA version of an article, or add this extension to your Chrome browser. 

    Open Access Helper for macOS and iOS

    There are more than 23 million Open Access versions of otherwise "paywalled" scientific articles. Open Acess Helper for iOS and Open Access Helper for Safari (macOS) are designed to help you get easy access to these articles, with a lot of help from the awesome APIs from and
  • Subject Specific OA Journals and Resources

    Below is an indicative selection of subject specific open access journals and resources. 


    Open Access , Open Access logo  Business Research Business Research publishes high-quality articles covering both traditional fields of business administration and cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the complex character of business problems.
    China Journal of Accounting Research The focus of the China Journal of Accounting Research is to publish theoretical and empirical research papers that use contemporary research methodologies to investigate issues about accounting, corporate finance, auditing and corporate governance
    Cogent Business & Management  Cogent Business & Management, part of Taylor & Francis/Routledge, is a multidisciplinary open access journal that strives for inclusivity and global reach. 

    Economic Research

    Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja publishes rigorous scientific papers which make a significant contribution to any field of economics – theoretical, applied or empirical – with special attention given to experiences of the transition from socialism to market economies in Eastern Europe. 

    European Research on Management and Business Economics ERMBE

    ERMBE is an international peer-reviewed open access journal. The articles published are related to any specialities in the fields of Business Economics (accounting, business management, finance, human resource management, marketing, operations management, organization theory, strategic management, etc.). 

    International Journal of Business and Management Studies 

    The International Journal of Business and management Studies is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles in the fields of business and management. 

    International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility

    The International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility (JCSR) offers a unique platform for the latest theoretical and empirical research and for innovative concepts for sustainable business strategies which create value for business and society (shared value).  

    International Journal of Finance and Banking Studies

    IJFBS’s major focus is to provide a scienctific base for scholar and researchers. IJFBS aims to promote world-wide interdisciplinary studies and research in the field of banking, finance and economics. 

    International Journal of Innovation

    IJI Journal  focuses on the publication of scientific contributions in the innovation field, with the preferential theme of the process of innovation in technology. 

    International Journal of Quality Innovation

    The Journal explores the changing role of quality innovation, which performs an array of functions from simply creating new customer value to endeavoring to effect “smart” organizations and societies.  

    Journal of Applied Economics

    The Journal of Applied Economics publishes papers which make a significant and original contribution to applied issues in micro and macroeconomics. 

    Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management

    Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management is an open access scientific journal that publishes theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles, which contribute to advance the understanding of phenomena related with all aspects of industrial engineering and industrial management. 

    Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    The Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is dedicated to exchanging the latest academic research and practical findings on all aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship in spatial context and over time. 

    Journal of Organization Design

    The Journal of Organization Design is the intellectual home of organization design thinking. Drawing on a wide variety of disciplines, organization design is an area of study which focuses on the structures, systems, processes, and outcomes of different organization design choices. 

    Open Economics

    Open Economics is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal, devoted to the publication of original research in all fields of Economics. 

    Open Statistics

    Open Statistics is a fully peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal that publishes significant, original and relevant works in all areas of statistics. 


     Law & Criminology

    Open Access , Open Access logo  Asian Journal of Criminology Selected Open Access articles in Asian Journal of Criminology
    Crime Science Crime Science is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal with an applied focus.
    Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society (CCJLS) Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society (CCJLS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that builds on the mission of its predecessor, Western Criminology Review ( WCR ),by promoting understanding of the causes of crime; the methods used to prevent and control crime; the institutions, principles, and actors involved in the apprehension, prosecution, punishment, and reintegration of offenders; and the legal and political framework under which the justice system and its primary actors operate.

    Forensic Science International: Mind and Law

    Forensic Science International: Mind and Law is an open access journal which promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas between psychiatric, psychological, legal, and other related fields within the forensic spectrum and beyond.

    Forensic Science International: Reports 

    Forensic Science International: Reports is an open access journal which seeks to foster information and knowledge exchange through the publication of short communications and data articles across all subject areas within the forensic sciences.

    Forensic Science International: Synergy 

    Forensic Science International: Synergy is a gold open access journal - the first ever gold open access journal in forensic science.

    Forensic Sciences Research

    Forensic Sciences Research publishes latest research in various disciplines of forensic sciences. 

    Health & Justice

    Health & Justice presents original experimental research on the area of health and well-being of people involved in the adult or juvenile justice system

    Journal of Criminal Justice

    The latest Open Access articles published in Journal of Criminal Justice.

    Journal of International Humanitarian Action

    The Journal of International Humanitarian Action is an open access peer-reviewed journal for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and anyone moved to understand contemporary challenges, reflect critically on practices, and engage at humanitarian action’s leading edge.

    International Journal for Crime Justice and Social Democracy

    The International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy is an open access, blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes critical research about challenges confronting criminal justice systems around the world. 

    International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences

    The International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (IJCJS) is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on the contemporary issues in Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Victimology, is the official journal of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV). 

    International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC)

    International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC) is a peer reviewed online (open access) interdisciplinary journal published biannually and devoted to the study of cyber crime, cyber criminal behavior, cyber victims, cyber laws and cyber policy.

    International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice

    The latest Open Access articles published in International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice.

    Internet Journal of Criminology (IJC) 

    IJC publish international, scholarly and peer-reviewed criminology articles of the highest standard from many areas of expertise including, but by no means limited to:  the criminal justice system, penology, crime reduction, delinquency, hate crimes, deviant social behaviour, hi-tech crime, green criminology, wildlife and rural crime, white collar crime, science fraud, plagiarism, copyright theft, policing, quantitative criminology, environmental  criminology, crime science, and cultural criminology.

    Law, Crime and History

    Law, Crime and History is a freely available online open access journal (previously SOLON's online journal was entitled Crimes and Misdemeanours, appearing between 2007 and 2010). 

    Sage Open

    SAGE Open is a peer-reviewed, open access journal from SAGE that publishes original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Articles may span the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. 

    Studies in Social Justice

    Studies in Social Justice publishes articles, dispatches and creative works relating to the social, cultural, economic, environmental, political, and philosophical problems associated with struggles for social justice. 

    Computing, Information and Digital Science

     Open Access , Open Access logo Advanced Intelligent Systems An open access home for high-quality scientific and engineering research on artificial systems that recognize, process, and respond to stimuli/instructions and learn from experience.
    AI Perspectives Covers the application of AI in industry, healthcare, transport, education, social sciences and humanities, and business and economics.
    Applied Network Science The focus of the journal is based on novel or anticipated applications of network sciences, on related techniques that may be used in applications of complex network methodologies, and on innovative modeling approaches that will enhance specific applications and lead to more widespread use of network science concepts.
    Array Array is an international open access multidisciplinary journal encompassing a broad spectrum of topics in computer science, including Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics Computer Systems and Architecture Computer Vision
    Big Data & Society An Open Access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes interdisciplinary work principally in the social sciences, humanities and computing and their intersections with the arts and natural sciences about the implications of Big Data for societies.
    Computational Social Networks  Refereed papers dealing with all mathematical, computational and applied aspects of social computing. 
    Computational Visual Media It publishes original high-quality research papers and significant review articles on novel ideas, methods, and systems relevant to visual media.
    Complex & Intelligent Systems  Complex & Intelligent Systems is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand.
    Data Science and Engineering  DSE aims to offer a prime forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their knowledge in this rapidly growing area. 
    Energy and AI Energy and AI provides a fast and authoritative open access platform to disseminate the latest research progress in the cross-disciplinary area of energy and artificial intelligence (AI). 
    EPJ Data Science

    EPJ Data Science offers a publication platform to address such challenges as:

      • how to extract meaningful data from systems with ever increasing complexity
      • how to analyse them in a way that allows new insights
      • how to generate data that is needed but not yet available
      • how to find new empirical laws, or more fundamental theories, concerning how any natural or artificial (complex) systems work
    Fuzzy Information and Engineering An International Journal wants to provide a unified communication platform for researchers in a wide area of topics from pure and applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and other related fields.
    Journal of Cloud Computing Articles on all aspects of Cloud Computing. Principally, articles will address topics that are core to Cloud Computing, focusing on the Cloud applications, the Cloud systems, and the advances that will lead to the Clouds of the future.

    Journal of Information and Telecommunication

    Provides the most complete and reliable source of information for a wide range of technical areas, covering a large variety of topics in telecommunications, information technology, media technologies and media communications, and representing the process of the convergence of the fields of telecommunications, digital broadcasting and information technology.

    Journal of Information Display

    A major multidisciplinary journal focusing specifically on display field, publishing latest advances in all aspects of display techniques developed from materials, as well as the application of display techniques in devices, and the system to user experience.

    Journal of Internet Services and Applications

    Focuses on networking, communication, content distribution, security, scalability, and management on the Internet. 

    Systems Science & Control Engineering

    A world-leading fully open access journal covering all areas of theoretical and applied systems science and control engineering. Including: artificial intelligence, complex systems; complex networks; control theory; control applications and cybernetics.

    Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art

    Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art aims to serve as a publication and communication platform for researchers in computer image, graphics and visualization.

    Visual Informatics

    Visual Informatics is a peer-reviewed online journal published on the platform of Elsevier. It is dedicated to the development and application of theories, algorithms and technologies associated with visual data acquisition, analysis and synthesis.
  • Multidisciplinary OA Repositories

    A good way to discover full-text peer reviewed research articles is to use an open access repository. Here are some of the main multidisciplinary repositories available to you:

    Open Access , Open Access logo  Insight University of Cumbria's Instututional Repository. Discover outputs from University of Cumbria staff and researchers.

    Base (Bielefeld Academic Search) 

    Access over 120 million documents from 6000+ sources. More than 60% of indexed full text documents are available via open access


    Self-archived papers in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Linguistics, Philosophy, Biology


    The world’s largest collection of open access research papers


    Discover Open Access books


    Directory of Open Access Journals

    HathiTrust Digital Library

    Offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.

    Google Scholar 

    Not exactly an OA repository, but it does pick up OA content from global repositories


    A quality-assured global directory of academic open access repositories.

    Open Grey

    Open Grey provides open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature produced in Europe. Examples of grey (gray) literature include technical or research reports and official publications.


    An open database for free scholarly articles. Get an Add-on for your browser to automatically check for legal open access articles